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Community Chat, March 24 @ 1:00 pm PT - General Topics

eBay Staff (Alumni)

Edit: Please read the FAQ about the new "All Selling" page here.


Hi everyone! Thanks for joining us for the Weekly Chat with eBay Staff. We don't have a specific topic this week, so feel free to share any general buying or selling questions you may have.


The chat thread will remain open until 2 PM PT at which point we'll close it from additional responses. After that time, we'll continue to work on responding to any queries that might still be unanswered.


To post your question, click Reply in the lower right corner of this post, type your question, and hit submit between 1-2 PM Pacific Time. The format of our chat mirrors the format of our Community Discussion Boards, where each post will appear in the thread chronologically. The Community Team will review each question as it comes in, and will quote the original question in our reply. This quote and the reply will appear later in the thread, so just keep scrolling down to see our answers.


Missed the chat? Send your questions to the podcast by calling  888-723-4630 or email us at and maybe your questions will make it on the air! Or listen to past episodes while you wait for next Wednesday!

Message 1 of 158
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157 REPLIES 157

Community Chat, March 24 @ 1:00 pm PT - General Topics

@mrstippie1 wrote:

Thank you.  I have already done that (cleared cache, cookies, browsing history, etc.)  Still no change.  

@mrstippie1 something else you can do is make sure ebay is included in Chromes trusted sites list. I only have the steps to do this in IE, but there is a similar setting in Chrome.


  • Internet Explorer:
    1. Tools
    2. Internet Options “security tab”
    3. Click on Trusted sites (green tick) and choose the button for “sites”
    4. Add * (or appropriate domain)
    5. Click “close”
    6. Click Ok
    7. Try the page again
Community Team
Message 136 of 158
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Community Chat, March 24 @ 1:00 pm PT - General Topics

@phoenix317 wrote:

The "appropriate team" should consider updating the code to support the classic seller page. Did not take any time to check "My Ebay" with the old page. So much scrolling with the new selling page decreases my productivity, thus profits, which directly affects EBAY's profits.  I agree with all the points made in the post by mr_lincoln. The active list can show 25? I had the 'my ebay' set on 200.


I pointed out in a comment I sent that I have some cognitive issues and it is very hard to scroll both across and down the page, with everything as numbers and boxes. Also the PRINT IS  TINY, and when I enlarge the screen size I cannot see the entire page. The new page may be difficult for folks who are not able-bodied without any impairments, and for seniors. You are discriminating against us.



@phoenix317 - I appreciate you sharing this feedback about the change to the 'All selling page'. To get this directly to the team that works on these pages, I would recommend using the 'Tell us what you think' link that is on the top of the that page.

Community Team

Message 137 of 158
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Community Chat, March 24 @ 1:00 pm PT - General Topics

@gwzcomps wrote:

tyler@ebay wrote:

@gwzcomps wrote:

I find it interesting how eBay is willing to aggressively persecute sellers, but turn a blind eye to problem buyers.


I don't get why we are allowed to block people if they are going to be allowed to direct message and harass sellers.  Why does eBay selectively enforce policies as the see fit?

Hi @gwzcomps - our messaging policies apply to everyone. If you have a member who is abusing the messaging platform by continuing to message you after you have blocked them, using inappropriate or profane language or otherwise communicating with you without any intention of completing a transaction please consider contacting CS so they can report the buyer for review. Thanks!

Its been going on for 6 months now.  All I ever get from your useless CS is placations and false promises.  You people are more likely to attack my selling account than the odds of you dealing with bad buyers.

@gwzcomps - sorry to hear you haven't gotten the resolution you were looking for with this. If you change your mind about it in the future I'd encourage you to consider contacting our CS teams via social media - they can help review and take action. 

Message 138 of 158
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Community Chat, March 24 @ 1:00 pm PT - General Topics

@onlinecentral wrote:

The option to enroll in Guaranteed Delivery appears intermittently. GD has been put on my listings somewhat constantly. I have not been enrolled for several years.

I received a negative feedback because a package did not arrive by the promised date.
I didn't enroll in the program or promise a delivery date.
I can not control Postal Workers, locally or out of state.
Is there some provision within the Seller Protection that can get this removed?
Kindly don't suggest that I ask submit a Feedback Revision Request.

@onlinecentral If a guaranteed delivery item arrives late even though you met the stated handling time, eBay will remove any negative or neutral feedback left by the customer regarding late delivery. Customer service can assist with this, but I've sent your example over for review.

Community Team
Message 139 of 158
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Community Chat, March 24 @ 1:00 pm PT - General Topics

@clarkphilatelics wrote:

I wish eBay would focus on setting up more effective item specifics consistent with usage in each vertical marketplace. Item specifics in the Stamps category are not consistent with standards established by the Scott US Specialized catalog, top level auction houses, and major dealers. The result? Search filters provided with built-in values by eBay are dysfunctional. Many sellers ignore them or do not have the time to translate properties and attributes from their web sites into eBay Item Specifics. Condition is the most important factor when pricing stamps. Yet, it is missing from the category because of a failure to implement "Unused" and "Used" as Item Condition ID values.

Hi @clarkphilatelics - that's definitely frustrating! If you haven't already, please consider letting the item specifics team know that such a crucial piece of information is missing. You can reach them by email at



Message 140 of 158
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Community Chat, March 24 @ 1:00 pm PT - General Topics

@cookiecookie55 wrote:

Hi all,


Another ebayer unhappy about being forced into Seller Hub from the Classic View.  


With the classic view I was able to see ON ONE PAGE: Active Listings, Scheduled Listings, Unsold Items,  Drafts, Items Ending Today, Sold Items,  Items that Need to Be Shipped, Selling Limits, Number of Sales this month, Feedback received and given, Saved sellers, Purchase history, Saved Searches and more. 


It takes at least four-six different pages plus a lot of scrolling to get the same information in an unacceptable format. 


Please bring back the My Ebay All Selling Page.   Simple, easy to use and all the information that's needed on one page.   I've been selling for over 10 years. This is by far the worst change to come to ebay in all of that time.     





@cookiecookie55 thanks for sharing your feedback! We've given the appropriate team members feedback about this change. 

Community Team
Message 141 of 158
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Community Chat, March 24 @ 1:00 pm PT - General Topics

@clarkphilatelics wrote:

eBay pages to handle post sales activities are poorly designed. In Seller Hub, the landing page after sending an invoice has no navigation back to the unpaid items page. SixBit is much more efficient. The only reason for having any familiarity with eBay invoice pages was some inability to combine Managed Payments orders through the eBay API. Estimating sales tax is a problem when eBay sometimes fails to supply buyer the buyer location until after payment is received Destination based sales tax in Washington State and elsewhere makes it nearly impossible for sellers or third-party applications to correctly estimate sales tax amounts.

@clarkphilatelics - That's not what we like to hear. Can you start a thread here, tag me and provide details and specific examples of what you're running into in regards to sales tax.


I just need some clarification, because Washington is a state in which eBay collects the sales tax (More info here) and remits it to the state, so you shouldn't need to calculate this themselves.  Sales tax is calculated when a buyer goes through checkout because this is when they verify their shipping address for us to calculate the correct amount. 

Community Team

Message 142 of 158
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Community Chat, March 24 @ 1:00 pm PT - General Topics

@arielrosemusic wrote:

That has always been a problem. I once had a horrible buyer use racist and insulting language to me in messages and ebay did absolutely nothing about it when I reported it.

That's definitely not something you should have had to deal with @arielrosemusic. Should this happen to you in the future (hopefully it won't) please report it to CS so they can take action. While we don't disclose what action is taken on other accounts, there are consequences for being profane, vulgar or using derogatory terms in eBay messages. 

Message 143 of 158
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Community Chat, March 24 @ 1:00 pm PT - General Topics

@outdoorgeardude wrote:

Just a comment, but telling sellers to click on a Comment link is pretty dismissive and insulting.


How about if you tell your higher-ups that there is a BIG problem with the Seller Hub user interface?


What if I told you that I refuse to list any more items until the user interface is as functional as Classic View?


WE are the customers here. WE make YOU money and pay for YOUR salary. Many big companies forget that. I'm getting that vibe a lot from eBay lately.


We should be on the same team here. You help us and we'll make you more money. That's what it's all about, isn't it? Money, money, money.

@outdoorgeardude I'm sorry if you missed many of my previous comments in this chat where I mentioned that the Community team has passed along sellers feedback to the appropriate team. I can assure you that one of the Community teams core responsibility is to collect feedback on the boards and share it with the appropriate teams within eBay. We have done this regarding the changes to the All Selling pages.


However, the 'Comment' link also sends direct feedback to the team involved with these changes. Getting direct feedback from sellers can be very useful for these teams, which is one reason we also suggest sharing your thoughts directly with them using the 'Comment' link. Thanks!

Community Team
Message 144 of 158
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Community Chat, March 24 @ 1:00 pm PT - General Topics

@randomsl wrote:

Are there any plans to address the return policy on sports cards? With the current volatility in card prices, many sports cards are being purchased and held to see if the price will rise or fall during the extended return window.  If there is a drop in value, cards can be returned during this time frame at no risk to the buyer. 

Hi @randomsl - there haven't been any announced changes to return policies for the sports cards categories but I know that this is something that upper management is acutely aware of. I can't make promises about future changes, but I know it's on their minds!

Message 145 of 158
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Community Chat, March 24 @ 1:00 pm PT - General Topics

@clarkphilatelics wrote:

Seller Hub requires manual addition to track Managed Payments cash flow


It is possible to use Seller Hub Managed Payment Payouts link to track cash flow. The link from the payout email goes to a summary window with the payout amount. The link in the summary window goes to a detail window. The detail window lists component transaction amounts but does not include gross (sale) amount and fee totals. How was the utility of total gross and fee amounts overlooked?


Why is the "Net" column in the "Payout details" window labeled "Amount" in the "Payouts" window? Why are out of band holds listed in a separate "Payout Summary Panel"? Is there no way to present the data in a multi-column spreadsheet format that could be entered as a split transaction in an accounting package? If the "Related Transactions" panel in the "Payout details" window lists more than ten transactions or possibly hundreds of transactions, what is the likelihood than adding up the Fees and (gross) Amount(s) will be accurate.


What prompted eBay designers to use the word "Amount" to label the gross amount in the Payout details window and "Amount" to label the net amount in the Payouts (summary) window? Is no one in charge of web design at eBay?

@clarkphilatelics - I don't have details I can share about the decisions made in the design of the Payments tab in Seller Hub. You are welcome to share your feedback on the Payments tab page to the correct team so they can review this. 

Community Team

Message 146 of 158
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Community Chat, March 24 @ 1:00 pm PT - General Topics

@mr_lincoln wrote:

tyler@ebay wrote:

@mr_lincoln wrote:

The New All Selling page that replaces the Classic My eBay Selling pages is VERY poor.  Here is an initial list of problems:


-NO running monthly total (sales dollars)

-NO running number of Auctions with bids

-NO running number of bids on above Auctions

-NO Link to the Shipping Labels page

-NO link to the Deleted file


ALL of the above are on the Classic pages in about a 2" square area, its a quick check I make just to see if anything is happening and is RIGHT THERE  when the page opens, I DON'T have to go searching for Auction listings to even see if I got any bids.  When eBay's Seller Hub rolled out it was based on 31 day totals ... we told you back then that that is worthless information.  It's still worthless, we need MONTHLY amounts and totals, just like the rest of the world runs on, MONTHLY ELECTRIC BILL, MONTHLY EBAY INVOICE, MONTHLY CREDIT CARD BILL, MONTHLY COMCAST BILL, MONTHLY, MONTHLY MONTHLY. 


-The Active list display quantities on the Classic pages were 10, 25, 50, 75, 100, 200 and NOW they are 5, 10, 25, Show all?  Seriously???  Of course this goes with the fact that every new page roll out has shown LESS information PER PAGE and this new page is true to form, fewer items per screen and LOTS AND LOTS of SCROLLING.


-As usual, too much worthless information at the top of the page resulting in wasted space ... that has been a reoccurring thee for the last several years ...


Pictorial illustration below ...


Thanks for your input @mr_lincoln! If you haven't already please make sure you're sharing this feedback via the 'Comments?' link so that the development team gets your notes! 

tyler@ebay  I can't post a screen shot on the Comments link ... the first 5 Comments I left were not pretty I was so angry ... who in their right mind would create a page WITHOUT totals on the month?  Seriously, the whole stinkin' world runs on a monthly basis!!!


Are you saying that you guys passing on our comprehensive comments from the Weekly Chat has no impact?

Hi @mr_lincoln - this is definitely something we report onward, and it has an impact. In my experience, however, there is no substitute for direct feedback with the team involved (versus reporting that has to be summarized, bullet pointed and written for a much broader audience than the direct experts). 

Message 147 of 158
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Community Chat, March 24 @ 1:00 pm PT - General Topics

@tsme35 wrote:

I don't think anyone are on those links, been telling reps, cs and links OR every time I call in for ebay to add combine shipping to the app, even found the post from 3 years ago and was told your working on it.  Yet I still lose sales weekly because buyers can't request a invoice off the app, lost $60 sale just last night.

@tsme35 - I can assure you that the feedback links are monitored by the relevant teams. I am sorry to hear you lost a sale. I've been working with the app team for over 5 years and this is something we've seen requested during that time. At this point in time, we don't have any news that is something be release in the near future.  

Community Team

Message 148 of 158
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Community Chat, March 24 @ 1:00 pm PT - General Topics

@gracieallen01 wrote:

Microsoft didn't go from old generation (XP) to new generation (Win7,8,10) by releasing it piecemeal.  If ebay isn't happy with the old code, why haven't they produced the 'new generation ebay' on a private, closed system with appropriate testing and oversight instead of causing all the problems, glitches and discontent - over the years - that has marked ebay as a real 'pain'?


Taking input and utilizing it is two very different matters.

Hi @gracieallen01 - I think that's an interesting point! Thanks for sharing it.

Message 149 of 158
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Community Chat, March 24 @ 1:00 pm PT - General Topics

@arielrosemusic wrote:

I've already done it and they need to 'make plans' to bring it back, or I will be packing up all my inventory and taking it away from this greedy out of touch cabal asap.

Glad to hear you've shared your input already @arielrosemusic - thanks for doing that, and I hope that we see enhancements to the page that make it workable for you! 

Message 150 of 158
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