10-23-2020 07:44 AM
10-23-2020 11:02 AM
So what are the odds, we had a software inventory glitch on our end a couple days ago. So I put my ebay store on vacation, zeroed out the quantity in all 500 ebay listings and proceeded to start a manual count of 8000 items. So today I had all day to start getting them back online. Not today I guess lol At least I got about 200 back online before this happened.
10-23-2020 11:06 AM
Single quantity listing still works Okay. It seems like the problem only arises with the multi-variant listing. When the revision page opens, a green circle spins forever on the area where normally pictures were supposed to be located. Hope this will help the tech team figure out what the problem is faster.
10-23-2020 11:06 AM
Same, I thought I was the only one with this issue.
10-23-2020 11:11 AM
Hi Brian,
It happens on multi-quantity and variations listing only, not single listing.
The spinning circle is displaying on Photo placeholder area and when u you try to click EDIT button, its unresponsive
FYI It happened since around 10/22/2020 around 10 PM PST time until now. Please forward and release hotfix ASAP to help seller like us to add more listing and update quantity
10-23-2020 11:18 AM
Hi Brian. It seems to only be multi-variation listings. Also, nothing in the entire listing is editable and new listings cannot be created either (relist/sell similar). I see others have posted pics of the spinning wheel which appears where the photos should be.
10-23-2020 11:41 AM
10-23-2020 11:43 AM
For me it's any multi-quantity item.
10-23-2020 11:44 AM
Found this workaround from other thread:
1- Go to Manage active listings under Listings tab
2- Select 2/3 or more of your items you would like update
3- Under Edit select "Edit Selected"
4- Select the items from the left select boxes and click "Edit price"
5- Now under "Select action" you should choose "Edit Listing Individually"
6- Than you can able to change the stock quantities of your multi-listing items
Dont forget to submit after you saved your listings
This is the only way I found to update my multi-item listings
Credit to @veraboutique
10-23-2020 11:53 AM
that works! Thanks
10-23-2020 12:11 PM
Can confirm multi-variation listings just get the swirly green circle of doom.
10-23-2020 12:16 PM
@sanity102 can you try doing a revise and letting me know if it's working now?
10-23-2020 12:31 PM
Just tested and not working....
10-23-2020 12:31 PM
working thanks
10-23-2020 12:32 PM
it worked for 1 minute, it is still showing circles right now on our end.
10-23-2020 12:33 PM
same here.
i believe it started las night.
this is so annoying.
cant add items, cant edit current items, cant sell!!!!!!