01-02-2018 07:49 PM
I have always been able to print an auction I have won including the photos. As of mid-November, the entire My Purchases section is completely different and the previous View Purchased Item choice is gone, which is where I printed my auction. Does anyone know how to print a won auction including the photos like we could previously? Thank you.
01-03-2018 12:07 AM
This direct link to the view where you could print a purchase used to work, last checked a few months ago when someone in the forums had the same issue.
where xxxx is the item number of the listing
Try it and post back if it works or not so anyone reading this topic in the future will know if it still works.
01-03-2018 02:21 AM - edited 01-03-2018 02:25 AM
View Order Details is still available from both the old and new (awful) Purchase History pages, and the bookmarklet to pull up the printable Purchased Item page from the Order Details Page still works.
(remove X in javascript below to use in bookmarklet - was added due to forum software quirk)
01-04-2018 07:02 PM
Thanks so much for the reply. I'm sorry but I am not technical and I don't understand what a bookmarklet is or all the Javascript words in the box. In the new Order Details window, the printer friendly button is only some text and not the photos. Before November 13, 2017, in Purchase History I would click on leave feedback, then put my pointer over the order details link and it would open a new window. I would then click View Purchased Item and the old print window would appear. Do you have any further information for this non-technical person? Thanks for your time.
01-04-2018 07:05 PM
Thanks so much for the reply. I am non-technical so please bear with me. Do I copy and paste the link you provided somewhere? When I click on it, it is unavailable and I can't figure out how to insert the item number. Thanks for any further help you can provide.
01-04-2018 11:18 PM - edited 01-04-2018 11:18 PM
Click on that link and it will give an error. In your browser address bar at the top of the page, you will see the link above. at the end will be xxxx replace that with the item number of the listing you want to print like you did before.
01-05-2018 12:42 AM
03-17-2019 02:28 PM
03-17-2019 02:49 PM
03-17-2019 03:40 PM
Thanks. Turns out that the link I listed above is working, WHEN I filled in the transaction ID .. I did NOT leave as a ) /zero [for most auctions, a few still didn't work, or not even this with this latest link... granted just over 3 months old, but I got the URL I posted to work for listings over 9 months back ... just now... for about 85%+ of my purchases].
Bottom line- Using the URL I posted (provided by others on these groups), but must have transID, and usually, but doesn't always work (and when it didn't work, I noticed other eBay purchase history links for this item also not working....)