Thanks. Turns out that the link I listed above is working, WHEN I filled
in the transaction ID .. I did NOT leave as a ) /zero [for most
auctions, a few still didn't work, or not even this with this latest
link... granted just over 3 months old, but ...
Anyone have an update? The URL above, and variations on it
longer working. I've been printing/saving purchases on eBay for future
reference for almost 20 ye...
Argh - my bad completely. skipped a few pages and jumped to wrong
conclusion. Then didn't read closely enough. the very convoluted path
works in IE11Sorry notrs*jane - your instructions were very detailed and
work just fine. Thanks for taking the tim...
notrs*jane doesn't seem to comprehend seller vs buyer, and why this
issue ISN'T resolved for buyers. count me as another longtime eBayer
buyer who has been using the Print function (to PDF) for archival
purposes for a very long time, and am anxiously...