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Listings not showing up in search results

Several of my listings are not showing up in search results.  Is anyone else having this issue?

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Re: Listings not showing up in search results

I have too many listing that does not show up o certain keywords. When I upload them again as soon as they sell or get a watcher the listing disappears from the search result. I 've already called eBay so many times and they say there is nothing wrong on my account. How come I am a top rated plus offer 60 days free return and have been already 4 years on eBay top rated and this never happens to me.

Message 2 of 8
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Re: Listings not showing up in search results



You have 436 listings in search results. Should you have more? What is an example item that is not showing up? What keywords are you using to search for it?

Volunteer Community Mentor, buying and selling on eBay since 2004

Message 3 of 8
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Re: Listings not showing up in search results

Yes, it is happening to a lot of sellers.  It stinks.

When eBay redefined it's search parameters a couple of months ago - 3 out of 4 listings went either to the back of the line or just into oblivion all together.

There were many postings about this here in the a/c. I don't have the time now to research old threads, but later today I will see if I can find some links (if no one else beats me to it) and post a few for you. There were also weekly chats and postings from the blues about it too - that we can now expect this kind of thing as the 'new normal'.


I am a founding member of the eBay Community Expert Group: a USA volunteer mentor with over a decade of experience. I am not an eBay employee.

Live simply. Care deeply. Love generously. Speak kindly. Laugh loudly. Act responsibly. Rejoice daily. Help cheerfully. Plan carefully. Criticize sparingly. Invest wisely. Forgive willingly. Shop seriously. Play fairly. Learn graciously.
Message 4 of 8
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Re: Listings not showing up in search results

A "general" discussion "my item doesn't show up", doesn't help....i.e. nothing can be done about it.......  If specific examples are given, people can affirm or not whether the item shows and then present it to ebay if necessary.

 A few times there have been easy solutions.......several times, sellers have spelled a word one way in the title, and searched with a different spelling.....

Message 5 of 8
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Re: Listings not showing up in search results

The search engine is Not working the way it should.  This problem began with the Summer seller update and all the View counter problems of several months ago.  They also changed the categories that some items were listed in and moved others to different ones. 

I have conducted searches for items several different ways and have got different results.  Items I know are there are just not showing.  Many times I get search results back of displayed items which were Not related to my original search Query.  Don't misspell a word or leave a space in the search bar because apparent the New improved search engine cant extrapolate what you were looking for.  Too many words in the search bar also seems to be a problem.  I am constantly fustrated searching for items I know are there and not fining them.   

As a seller I notice that some items I am selling are Not getting views or any traffic, which is strange.  I have searched for my own items and found that they are Not always so readily visible to the buyers.  


Sure is hard to buy and sell on ebay these days...........with problems like these.....

Message 6 of 8
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Re: Listings not showing up in search results

Some listings of mine are buried deep in the mines of Moria...or somewhere else in the realm...This definitely seems to be the new normal and driving sellers away...
Message 7 of 8
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Re: Listings not showing up in search results

>>Some listings of mine are buried deep in the mines of Moria...or somewhere else in the realm...


I see 57 items for you in your store and in search for your items with my location set as US, France, Lithuania, China, and Honduras. Does not appear to be a problem caused by you not shipping to certain locations from France (looks like you ship just about everywhere).


So it isn't that problem (eBay does not show items to people in locations the items don't ship to).


Also isn't the current glitch where some items for some international sellers selling on don't show up for (some?) viewers in some locations that the seller does ship to (unclear if seller's location, viewer's location, or both are responsible for that one)


If you actually have more than 57 items listed then something else is going on.


If your problem is that some of those 57 items don't show up in specific keyword searches, then the specifics of those keyword searches would have to be looked at for a specific item.


No one can try to help, discuss, or do much of anything without specifics.


Message 8 of 8
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