03-02-2023 04:55 AM
Ebay opted us into the new interntional shipping from the global shipping program
i used to sell to other counties using the GSP in the following category
Home & Garden - Non-Alcoholic Drinks - Coffee - Coffee Pods
since i have been opted in i notice no interntional sales & a customer that always orders from canada emailed & asked why they cant order anymore
well i noticed all of my listings show i dont ship internationally so i called ebay & followed all the steps in making sure the business policy needs to be they way ebay wants to the listing will show available for international shipping
no use it still does not show
so i figured it out myself it seems if i revise the listing using a random category the listing will show available for international but if i use the correct category it goes back to showing i don't ship internationally
I tried to call 10 + times to ebay to explain this and also explain that this is not a restricted category for international shipping & that we were able to ship with the GSP
well they do not understand & i can not get anyone at ebay to understand that this category needs to be fixed so listings in them will show internationally
can anyone help
03-02-2023 05:09 AM
You don't have to stay in this new program. You can opt yourself out.
Under EBay at top left, go to "account", go to "selling", go to "shipping preferences", and opt out.
I use GSP and it's been successful for me.
03-02-2023 05:14 AM
Thank you
i guess i will have to opt out then but it still does not get ebay to correct the issue
opting out & using just the GSP limits the seller so only specific countries while the new international shipping program gives you almost doubles the amount of countries you are able to ship to hence more sales
hopefully someone at ebay will see this thread & help
thank you
03-02-2023 05:35 AM
just tied to do what you suggested but once you opt out of international shipping there is no where to opt back into the GSP
and even if you go to your business policys the GSP that used to be there is no longer so it is not a work around
04-12-2023 01:48 PM
We're having the exact same issues and Ebay support is now saying that food is not eligible for this new program.
So first they enroll us without checking if our items are eligible, and now we cannot go back to the GSP.
Even though I checked all their terms and I can't find a definite statement that food is not eligible for the program.
This might be the last straw for us if we cannot fix it
05-16-2023 10:25 PM
I am having the exact same problem. When and if you get someone on the phone in customer service they know less than the rest of us¿ You figure with all the money they are raking in they would hire competent people.