Ever since Ebay made an update to global shipping my foreign bidders say
they can't bid on my items. They tell me when they try to bid they get
an error stating seller doesn't ship overseas. I checked my settings and
everything seems fine¿
Multiple techs and calls... Opt in opt out opt back in all the same. Not
resolved. They need to have people who don't follow a scriptand know
what is going on if they are going to handle calls.
Thanks just got off the phone with them. I did that last night. I guess
I have to wait a 24hrs for it to process.I'll let you know how that
turns out. Thanks for all your input. Appreciated!
I am having the exact same problem. When and if you get someone on the
phone in customer service they know less than the rest of us¿ You figure
with all the money they are raking in they would hire competent people.