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Activity in eBay Groups


I, sold A set of 2024 P D PENNIES UNCIRCULATED IT was SOPOSE TO be mailed in 3 DAYS,I, HURT my, hip Ware I, was limping before the saleI, mailed the coins 1 DAY, LATE I, gave the buyer 2 free UNCIRCULATED coins I, messaged him why plus you're getting...

What is next in Coin & Token Collecting #4.

20 March 2025; Greetings to all coin, token, and paper money collectors where-ever you might be. Heron reports another small batch of coins & tokens issued for or issued by Islands of the world:Turks & Caicos Islands-coin.1st coin Heron has seen depi...

Who the heck cares? (#3)

There is always someone who cares. I know this is TCM's thread & hope she doesn't mind if I start #3. We can't go without a 'who the heck cares'.

Resolved! Choose One & Pass It On.....again

Well, once again someone at Ebay decided that the old game HAD to be closed because it was an old post...so let's try to start this thing again.Same rules as the old game Chicken or Fish?


Sold 9 coins 3 days, ago to the same person Gave 5 free UNCIRCULATED coins as gradatude for the purchase SEARCHED FOR 3 DAYS, FOR THE BEST COINS Same as another buy A set Gave A free setDone ALOT FOR BUYERSNO FEEDBACK OR THANK YOU FROM 3 QUARTERS OF ...