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iOS App Selling update



We recently updated the selling form for all sellers. We would like you to post any feedback you have with this new form here.


Thank you

Message 18 of 311
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310 REPLIES 310

iOS App Selling update

Hello, ...and thanks for asking for our feedback.



The new app update includes only 2 options for Best Offer... I do not like to use auto decline, I feel it's pretty rude to buyers... but I do love to use the setting for "auto accept over this amount"....can I please have that option in the app?



Any plans to fix the shipping options function,  including adding First Class, sometimes I like to change the shippping when I relist, the new app update is not friendly for this task.



also in this new app update is the constant prompt to 'Promote Listing.'   Please please consider an option to "DO NOT SHOW / ASK ME THIS AGAIN." 





Message 181 of 311
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iOS App Selling update

app update is horrible.  as a buyer, you can't find the description or product condition, you only see place bid, watch/unwatch and item number along with price and remaining time.  as a seller, i can't edit a listing, only option is to end item. not sure how you folks felt this was fixing bugs.

Message 182 of 311
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iOS App Selling update

That might explain why our sales have been sluggish the past few days. If buyers are experiencing even half the hassles we sellers are, then ebay has a bigger problem than we know.
Message 183 of 311
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iOS App Selling update

Well, here’s a new one for me....   it’s strange that the description would have an unsupported format, since I used THIS APP TO CREATE THE LISTING!!!!!  Now I can’t edit the description before re-listing ????????   




eBay will be its own downfall




Message 184 of 311
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iOS App Selling update

I just updated my ebay app to ver.5.25.0 now.

But MPN is still missing in my item specific.

 I have not been able to list the new items since about 2 weeks ago because of this terrible bug.


Did you fix what? 

The problem you need to fix with the top priority is "MPN"!!!

Message 185 of 311
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iOS App Selling update

All users hate that the duration function is taken off. eBay are you g

Message 186 of 311
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iOS App Selling update

When "selling similar" the postage is wiped and I cannot use my default postage option. I use the app to list 100 items per day and I can't list any now!

Message 187 of 311
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iOS App Selling update

This good til canceled default with no option to change is NOT ACCEPTABLE. It is also not reversible on my PC, ALSO NOT ACCEPTABLE. I should have not done the update 😞
Message 188 of 311
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iOS App Selling update

Message 189 of 311
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iOS App Selling update

New update is awful. I’m used to scheduling my items 2minutes apart. You can only schedule 15 mins

Message 190 of 311
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iOS App Selling update

After last update I can’t sell with iPhone check please

Message 191 of 311
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iOS App Selling update

I feel like Ebay is not understanding the impact their updates often have on sellers.  We sellers complain in general terms and vent frustrations, but it seems to fall on deaf ears.  Maybe sharing helpful, practical examples will convince Ebay.  They say they are trying to make things faster and more efficient.  This MAY be true for some, but it is NOT for me.  Let me share my glaring examples.  I am a small seller and have a basic store.  I get 250 free BIN listings,  I currently have 355 total listings, only 39 are auction.  When I run out of free listings, I won't pay for more, I will send some to auction or wait for the next month or a promo.  If Ebay runs a promo listing fee deal, I will then do all those relists, which is how I currently have more BIN listings than my free 250 ones.  If my product is not listed, it cannot sell, thus less potential $ for myself and Ebay, not to mention it stays in my house.  For this reason, I WILL NOT run my listings good til' cancelled.  I choose carefully my 250 free listings.  This issue of needing to not run my listings on the default good til' cancelled requires me to use my slow pc to finish my listings.  However, this poses another issue.  I primarily sell silverware.  If I have one pattern with multiple types (spoons, forks, knives), I use individual listings, example: 8 dinner knives in Bordeaux pattern.  In the past I could list my knives, view my listed listing, click the sell similar, not keep the photos and just change the details to the next type, like 8 dinner forks, based off my prior listing which kept all my preferences.  I was super fast and efficient and I could get secondary listings done in 5 minutes.  NOW, I cannot do that, because I cannot create a similar item off a draft, I have to go to my pc, finish creating the knives listing, post it, then I can start creating drafts for the rest of the pieces, and then back to my pc to edit the stuff the app won't let me change.  I am not going to run from one end of my house upstairs to the other multiple times a day.  I only have time to list on Saturdays, my time is precious and few, and now it means so many fewer items that I can list in that day.  I have a family to operate, which ALWAYS comes before Ebay.  I have probably 100 items in my "Ebay room" waiting to be listed.  I will never catch up, and now it will be even worse. 

I highly doubt I am the only seller hurt by the changes.  Back in NOV when the fiasco of an update ruined so much for so many, Ebay reset my app to a prior edition, I had not changed it since then for fear I would hate the update. I actually turned off all automatic updates on my phone so it would not update.  I didn't check the message boards, had 130 apps that needed updating, was overwhelmed and just did them all hoping in the last yr things would have changed.  Now I beg for the old app back and will just be back to manually updating phone apps when they crash for needing the update :-(.


I don't know if this makes sense, but nonetheless, it very much affects me and my family.  My ebay income is used for my kids music lessons and college classes.  These are not necessarily essentials for life, hence Ebay business comes after family operations, but they go a long way in providing my kids opportunities for later in life.  Alrighty, enough time here spent on my Saturday, time is of the essence, off to work in my Ebay room.

Message 192 of 311
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iOS App Selling update

2 more bugs:
Any shipping changes I make on the app reverts to some other crazy shipping when I go to edit on the pc browser. Sometimes it changes even in the drafts inside the app when I go back to it in the app.

Twice when I went to start taking photos my app would crash. I would take a photo, it delayed a couple seconds, sometimes allowed me to do 4-5 photos and then crashed, not saving any of the photos.

What do I like about the app? The photos upload while I do other things in the listing.
Message 193 of 311
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iOS App Selling update

The new selling screen looks beautiful but is not very functional. It is driving me crazy and is wasting my listings. I keep having to go to the eBay website to relist my items because the eBay app has been messing up my listings, and I have to log onto the website to fix the listing. Here are my major problems with the new update.

  1. All buy it now listings are good til cancel.
  2. All relisted items have "Allow best offer" turned on, even if I manually go and turn it off.... for some reason it turns best offer on when I list my items. I do not want this to happen. It drives me crazy!

I have never actually posted a rant to a forum before today. Please add the options and features you took from us. I have sold about $25,000 dollars worth of stuff on ebay this year had have sold almost all of it through the app, and now I am being forced to complete my listings on my PC. 

Please fix this soon! 



Message 194 of 311
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iOS App Selling update

Your "updated" app has some SERIOUS issues that need to be addressed. I haven't the slightest clue why apps are updated so much when all that seems to do is cause more problems. Glad you were actually able to fix the duration problem with listing items for sale. I had one recently that got listed under the good til cancelled option which I never do. Now the entire shipping section needs to be addressed. I can only charge a fixed amount or offer free shipping which I don't do. There is no where to select actual shipping costs or put in the weight and dimensions of the product. This makes your app completely worthless to me since I have to get on a desktop or laptop computer to put this information in. It's really ridiculous trying to create listings on the app and then having to revert to a laptop or desktop to be able to finish them. I can't even relist items once they end because it shows I have no shipping sevice selected when I go to relist. When I try to add a shipping service after that it shows nothing! Please keep it simple. These very important details need to be fixed...

Message 195 of 311
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