01-26-2022 08:13 PM
I was married for over 20 years. I was finally able to divorce him after I suffered by being controlled and mentally abused for many years. When I found the book Feal the Fear and do it anyway by accident, I finally felt strong enough to file for a divorce.
He threatened me that he would destroy my life and I would not make money any more. He wrote I would live on the streets and would not be able to see my grandchildren any more + I would not have the money to buy a plane ticket + my grandchildren would not know me any more.
He went back to Europe last year - lives near my daughter and grandchildren now.
Now my Ebay is 100% down - Did he pay someone from inside? I changed my store name and password a while ago and still 100% down. What can I do? So Helpless
01-26-2022 11:25 PM
No one here is going to know the reason for your outage. But the chances that he paid someone within eBay to sabotage you are slim. You need to go to eBay's Security Center and follow the prompts. You'll then be able to request a call back or chat with one of the Security team.
01-27-2022 02:22 AM
I really do not think sharing the information/accusations you have here is the right thing to do on a public forum.
I am seriously at a loss for words............ and for those that know me, this is most unusual.
01-27-2022 02:48 AM
When ever I see posts like these I always look at the person’s listings and it’s always just some random obscure stuff or just some garbage they found around their house. After looking at your stuff it’s just so obscure that I don’t think anyone would specifically search for your items on eBay and plus your stuff is somewhat pricey to, there’s barely anything under $40, your “cheapest” thing is $19.95 I don’t think your husband is doing anything 🤣.
01-27-2022 03:11 AM
While I think it's unlikely that your husband is having any affect on your account, there are some things you can do to make sure your ex can't find you. He can probably still find you if he knows what items you have for sale, since your items are so esoteric. You can make a completely new account (not just change your name and password.) Then rotate your current items out and only list completely different items. Then rotate you current items back in later, when you are more certain that your ex has lost interest in hurting you.
01-27-2022 03:57 AM
No comment on why your store is having problems, but thank goodness you got out of that abusive relationship. No matter what, I know you will be heading in the right direction now.
01-27-2022 04:22 AM
If your ex-husband truly is who you say he is, and he has both the inclination and the means to ruin your eBay selling, then it would be wise to not post clues to your whereabouts, activities, or suspicions on this message board.
starting over is tough, so please do stay strong. If you do need anything else, just send a private message to the people that have responded. Again, best to not post your personal affairs any longer.
01-27-2022 04:48 AM
So no one is going to take my reply and their items into consideration?
01-27-2022 04:56 AM
No one disagreed with you. Why upset?
01-27-2022 05:03 AM
1. Your items are not something most people would specifically search for
2. Your prices seem kind of high
3. Posting As Is on your listings doesn't mean much.
I don't think your ex husband has anything to do with this. If he wanted to really hurt your business he'd have people buy your items, open INAD cases, negative feedback.
I think it's just your items aren't interesting enough or too high priced.
01-27-2022 05:59 AM
Recheck the prices on your items. I just looked up one thing, the orange Filcoa Pen. Yours is used and you have it listed for $110 with shipping. There are 2 listings for NEW orange Filcoa Pens for $89 with shipping. And those 2 new ones aren't selling at that price. Yours will never sell as long as the 2 new ones are listed for less and not selling either. Lots of other new Filcoa pens listed and sold for between 60 and 100. Just go through your listings and compare your prices for same or similar items.
01-27-2022 08:00 AM
Good morning @reuse-pre-used ,
I have modified your original post with regard to information The Community's volunteer staff can address with you: " ...Now my Ebay is 100% down ... I changed my store name and password a while ago and still 100% down. What can I do? ..."
Some members here may look at your listings to give you an opinion on them. You can also try a Promoted Listing Campaign (Standard) and promote all your items for say a 30 day period and see if that helps. Here is a link to the Promoted Listings section in Seller Hub.
We sincerely hope your sales turn around for you.
Mr. L
01-27-2022 08:18 AM
why? it's useless
01-27-2022 08:31 AM
@chrispass918 wrote:When ever I see posts like these I always look at the person’s listings and it’s always just some random obscure stuff or just some garbage they found around their house. After looking at your stuff it’s just so obscure that I don’t think anyone would specifically search for your items on eBay and plus your stuff is somewhat pricey to, there’s barely anything under $40, your “cheapest” thing is $19.95 I don’t think your husband is doing anything 🤣.
That's the reason a lot of people come to ebay - to find the obscure. At least it used to be when you were able to find it.
Most likely the OP's stuff is caught up in the category changes, since browsing by categories are so messed up now - such a shame.
01-27-2022 09:19 AM
No comment on your personal problems, other than the forums are not the place to air your grievances. As others mentioned your prices are really high. Did you look at what others are listing for? did you look at the sold listings to see what prices were actually received? As is means nothing on eBay as they are admittedly buyer-centric. When you ask if he is working with someone from the inside I hope you are not implying there is some collusion with eBay.