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How can I stop from getting "error we looked everywhere"

I know it is a protection against scanner scripts but I am only human operating a little fast with my mouse and keyboard. How are they detects me as a script?

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Re: How can I stop from getting "error we looked everywhere"

The program is set up for hunt'n'peck typists not 60 wpm touchtypists.


Message 2 of 13
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Re: How can I stop from getting "error we looked everywhere"

I am also getting that error with certain sellers, not all. I wanted to bid an item the other day but got the error. I can see the auction ended with one bid now in their completed auctions. But still if I clickon the completed auction link, which only ended about 2 days ago, I get the error.

And if I uncheck completed items it shows me 0 listings when I know they have many.


Message 3 of 13
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Re: How can I stop from getting "error we looked everywhere"

I am also getting that error with certain sellers, not all


@campanaelia   @xshen777799 

That particular error message is often displayed when eBay removes, or is in the process of removing,  a listing(s) or a seller altogether.  One might also see ZERO listings if the seller does not ship to your country.  I never heard it happened from typing too fast. 

Message 4 of 13
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Re: How can I stop from getting "error we looked everywhere"

You are correct... After reading your post I went and checked further and sure enough the seller is NARU now. They had only one neg when I starting watching the item but received a lot more within the week and ebay must of shut them down right after the listing ended. Glad now I didn't bid/

Message 5 of 13
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Re: How can I stop from getting "error we looked everywhere"

no that's not what i meant. I mean those regular pages that are not showing correctly, if you wait a while and refresh they will show up with the same url. eBay must have forbidden webpage scanner scripts and suspect me as one as I open page too quick.

Message 6 of 13
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Re: How can I stop from getting "error we looked everywhere"

The "we looked everywhere...." error has nothing to do with what the user is doing.  It is caused by Ebay favoring mobile traffic, to build that segment of their market.  The only way they can handle the added traffic is to shut down the desktop users.  The error comes randomly and goes randomly.  So don't think that it's something you're doing, because it isn't.  It sure would be nice if Ebay would be honest about it.  But hey, they can't even notify me when someone responds to this post.  Any other forum can do that, so why can't they?  Probably the same reason they don't let you email them, they don't have the time for you.  If they were honest they would tell you they cannot handle the traffic and they have chosen you to lose service in favor of another who is using the mobile phone app.

Message 7 of 13
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Re: How can I stop from getting "error we looked everywhere"

It happens when you open several listings in a short amount of time and the site thinks you're a web crawler. Whenever I get the error I connect to my VPN and it works again. The trick is to change your iP so the site thinks you're a different user. 

Message 8 of 13
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Re: How can I stop from getting "error we looked everywhere"

This is becoming a frequent problem for me as a seller.  It used to  be once in awhile when the listing no longer exist.  But now there is no rhyme or reason as to why I get this.  I run into at least 10 times a day.  Sometime  ebay comes back when I clear the cookies and cache and sometimes it only comes back on when it wants to.  It is very frustrating as it is interupting my working flow of listing, responding to emails, etc.

Message 9 of 13
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Re: How can I stop from getting "error we looked everywhere"

These errors are getting more frequent for the last couple of months.

Message 10 of 13
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Re: How can I stop from getting "error we looked everywhere"

It's caused by making too many requests to ebay. 


Which makes no sense because it gets triggered when I add 10 images to a new listing, preventing me from posting that listing because I cannot submit the listing form due to being rejected from making any requests after the calls to add those images.


Even if you just are listing a bunch of things or looking up a bunch of searches (which always take 3 requests to go from search to -> buy it now -> price + shipping lowest first meaning every search incurs 3 requests for no reason!!!)


Genius work, ebay!

Message 11 of 13
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Re: How can I stop from getting "error we looked everywhere"

By requests I mean HTTPS requests to ebay. Like loading a page, uploading an image, searching for listings, editing or creating a listing. The stuff that happens when you click "submit" or "go" on a page, or click a link to go to another page, etc.


Way too easily triggered bot detection. Your site is designed to need a ton of requests to research and post listings. Either design it better or accept the large volume of requests.

Message 12 of 13
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Re: How can I stop from getting "error we looked everywhere"

Hi everyone,

Due to the age of this thread, it has been closed to further replies. Please feel free to start a new thread if you wish to continue to discuss this topic.

Thank you for understanding.

Message 13 of 13
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