ATC & ACEO Enthusiasts
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Forum Posts

PERSONAL NOTICE: April 2019: Update

I am now on eBay as artist.jillian (a 'period' between the words), and located in Australia. I list on both, Au and USA eBay accounts.I've had considerable life changes since 2014-5. Some unimaginable.I no longer know how to manage this group and/or ...

PERSONAL NOTICE: Jillian - late 2014 to ? 2015:

PERSONAL NOTICE: I may not be posting with any regularity at all over the coming months, due to major personal situation. I'll check in when I can, and post if I have something new, but am totally unsure of what, when, how, etc. Don't want to sound s...

New people - please introduce yourselves ...

New people - please introduce yourselves ... Welcome. Hope you enjoy being part of this group, and take time to look around. Ask questions, post photos in the albums and show your listings in the appropriate threads. Check out the announcements for h...

Help with ebsqart

How do you create a portfolio... cos I am looking on the left menu and I don't see whats written.. is only poeple with privilege allowed to create also certificates of authenticity? help! Thank you! -- Cynthia My Web Page My Deviant Art page -- Edite...


Hi I am wondering where you put your ACEO auctions I have been putting them in Self representing artists but see that there is a separate section for Self representing artist ACEO Which is best? Thanks -- Professional Watercolour artist Visit my webs...

Swiss Cheese

I have a memory like Swiss cheese. A while ago Jillian urged everyone to set up a free website with something like aceos by .... in the title. I remember starting to do just that, but didn't finish updating it. For some reason known only to my one re...

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OT: please join my mailing list

hello dear friend :-x I hope this message finds you happy & healthy. I’d like to add you to my mailing list. I’ll be sending out a newsletter approximately once a month. The content will include my new art & jewelry designs, art news, discount codes ...

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Help I'm blond!

I knwo this was ask 2 zillion time but I have to ask... how to you put an image on your avantar.. please help!!! thank you for your time! Cyn -- Cynthia My Web Page My Deviant Art page

Can they screw anything else up???

J... I suddenly find myself unable to prevent getting notices when someone posts a response to a post. I have changed the subscription thingie tonite 4 times to delete them , and it won't remove the subscriptions. In the past I have done this easily ...

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I sold my 2 first Aceos!!

Hey guys! I am really hyper about this.. I dont know if its the coffee... but anyways.. What do I do now... Do I wait till the payment goes in my paypal account? What do I do from here? Do they have a blond proof thing with images here to show noobs ...

Free Gallery Photo Nov 6 - Dec 12th

Auction Style only. Free Gallery Photo Nov 6 - Dec 12th As you know, with art, we definitely need to show pix to the potential buyers. -- ~Jillian artist, Jillian Crider There is nothing like a dream to create the future... -- Edited by artistjillian...

Virtual picture frames for YOUR art......

Wonder what your own artwork, or one from your collection will look like framed? It's easy if you have a graphic program like Paint Shop pro. But.... if you don't, and even maybe want one that you can use as a framing suggestion in your listing to en...