ATC & ACEO Enthusiasts
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Forum Posts

PERSONAL NOTICE: April 2019: Update

I am now on eBay as artist.jillian (a 'period' between the words), and located in Australia. I list on both, Au and USA eBay accounts.I've had considerable life changes since 2014-5. Some unimaginable.I no longer know how to manage this group and/or ...

PERSONAL NOTICE: Jillian - late 2014 to ? 2015:

PERSONAL NOTICE: I may not be posting with any regularity at all over the coming months, due to major personal situation. I'll check in when I can, and post if I have something new, but am totally unsure of what, when, how, etc. Don't want to sound s...

New people - please introduce yourselves ...

New people - please introduce yourselves ... Welcome. Hope you enjoy being part of this group, and take time to look around. Ask questions, post photos in the albums and show your listings in the appropriate threads. Check out the announcements for h...


I know it's a wierd thing to post in an art group, but the movie was about the artist Vermeer, called Girl With a Pearl Earring. I had the flu for nearly three weeks and watched a LOT of movies I wouldn't have had time for otherwise. This movie reall...

Reply to query re sending ACEOs in regular envelopes. Sorry, I couldn't reply to the actual post.

I have sold 1,000s of ACEOs from early 2004 until current times.From when I started selling in Atlanta, then, and following in Southern Oregon until mid 2015, and currently sell on Australian eBay site, ACEOs. Thousands of them. And started this foru...

ACEO and ATC standard envelopes tracking?

Does anyone selling ACEO or ATC know if it's ok to use the new standard envelopes for sports and non sports trading cards? There isn't an option if you list in the Art category. Although, if you list as collectable, non sports trading card, single ca...

User avatar by Adventurer
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DARE TAKERS ... who's game?

Who is game enough to take the dares on the DARE thread? They will be assigned randomly after 5 dares have been posted, and there are also 5 dare takers. INSTRUCTIONS: If you are game enought to take on a dare (unknown subject until matched up) you n...

Please help identify

Hello there , i found this today its signed john houston, the frame looks newer then the canva if some one can help me get some info ill be greatly thankful ,, thank you in advance  


Tiny landscapes

These were the easiest way for me to start ACEO, with landscapes, as that is a type of art I have done for a long time. I am hoping to branch out and start creating my fantasy art on ACEO very soon, but, that is a little more difficult then this...

I'm Going to Wear Suspenders

My pants have been falling down lately. A belt just isn't doing the trick. I'm mad as heck and I'm not going to take it anymore. I think I'm going to wear suspenders. Now I know from watching Benny Hill reruns that suspenders means something else "ac...

User avatar by Scout
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Current Listings for 2020!!

Just starting a new thread for 2020!Here are mine! "Abstract Spring" "Viola" for looking!!!

AbstractSpring.jpg Viola.jpg

Current ACEO Listings 2019

First off since I cannot reply to Jillian's post from Aprilto Jillain: I am SO sorry to hear about your friend - sending you many hugs, prayers, healing and comfort. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::For the group - I...

PERSONAL NOTICE: April 2019: Update

I am now on eBay as artist.jillian (a 'period' between the words), and located in Australia. I list on both, Au and USA eBay accounts.I've had considerable life changes since 2014-5. Some unimaginable.I no longer know how to manage this group and/or ...

New people - please introduce yourselves ...

New people - please introduce yourselves ... Welcome. Hope you enjoy being part of this group, and take time to look around. Ask questions, post photos in the albums and show your listings in the appropriate threads. Check out the announcements for h...