If you don't opt out then your listing photos can be used by other sellers
Please read. You can go to the page, itself if you like - you decide if you want to let Ebay do this or not.
Will eBay automatically consider my photos for inclusion in the eBay product catalog?
Yes, eBay will begin to select photos from sellers' listings for inclusion in the eBay product catalog starting on September 1. If you don't want your photos used, you can opt out at any time. If you opt out by August 31, 2009 at 23:59:59 PT, none of your photos will be considered for inclusion in the catalog unless you opt back in at a later time. If you opt out after August 31, 2009 23:59:59 PT, any photos we select for inclusion in the catalog prior to your opt-out may continue to be used in the catalog.
How do I opt out of having my photos considered for use in the eBay product catalog?
You can opt out of having your photos considered for use in the eBay product catalog, by following these steps:
* Click My eBay at the top of any eBay page. You may be asked to sign in.
* Choose the Account tab at the top of the page
* Click on Site Preferences in the left hand margin
* Click on Selling Preferences
* Click on the "Show" link to the right of Share your photos
* Click on the "Edit" link next to "Consider photos I upload in the listing process for inclusion in the eBay product catalog and other product offerings."
* Click the checkbox that states "If you'd like to opt-out of this program, please do so by checking this box and clicking the "Submit" button below."
* Click the "Submit" button.
Do others a favor and post this on other groups you belong to. Spread the word because this is something Ebay is keeping quiet on.