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BENJAMIN FRANKLIN is known to have said: "Let everything have its place." This has been on my mind since this morning when I was looking for two of my ACEO's and could find them nowhere. This is about the SIZE of ACEOS. Although the size of ACEOS is very convenient for shipping internationally it also makes it easy to misplace them Always keep your ACEOS in one place--especially the ones you have up for sale on eBay. If ACEO's were postcard size one might be able to produce them as postcards and tap into the hot and booming postcard collectors market. Postcards are a little larger & less easy to misplace--also, unlike ACEO'S they are large enough to place a stamp on and mail worldwide without an envelope for promo purposes.
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I discovered that an artist can officially copyright their visual art through the Library of Congress for $45.00. This could get pretty expensive if one desires or needs to copyright a number of ACEO's. I had heard that if artwork is postmarked as a postcard or sealed in an envelope and mailed and postmarked or simply brought to the world's attention with the c copyright symbol and the words "copyright so-and-so" that this serves sufficently as a copyright protection. Can anyone enlighten me on this subject? THANK YOU--Peter Gumaer Ogden aka: MEZZIAH
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I have indeed lost some of my miniature paintings, and even found some 4x6" and 5x7" paintings I'd forgotten I had, as they were pushed into drawers and 'lost' until I opened a book and found them there. I suspect that I have a lot ... somewhere. I started putting my miniature paintings into trading card sleeves, and thought this to be 'great!' - but they did slip out at times. I had to buy custom built frames, I couldn't buy anything 'off the shelf' to put them in. Hence more expense. But not too long after (2+ years ago) I discovered ACEOs. PERFECT! I 'got' it right away. These artworks are entirely collectible. Not too big, nor too small. Fitting snuggly into trading card sleeves, 9 per page. A multitude of frames available, inexpensively. My ACEOs are put into trading card sleeves and a binder as soon as I have finished them, and listed them, waiting to be taken out if sold. So never lost, like other work. There is a market for post card art (4x6"), and also 'mail art' - these formats have been around for decades. This is covered in another group of mine (SFA - Small Format Art). Mailing art unprotected can suffer greatly - and is covered by 'mail art' as a different kind of art movement. It also is quite different producing other size art to ACEOs - many people can't work this 'small' - making it quite unique. To me, 4x6" is just another 'normal' size of art. There are albums for postcards, but usually the inserts are slightly off size to 4x6", and only 2 per page fit with any comfort. With ACEOs I can easily get 9 per page, and love looking at this art as 'pages'. You're welcome to join in SFA where other sizes of small art are promoted (and this DOES also include ACEOs). Here we are totally dedicated to 2.5x3.5" which makes ACEOs so unique and special. -- ~Jillian artist, Jillian Crider Oh how I wish I were a happy little vegemite! 🙂

artist, Jillian Crider

... google me!
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Yes, you can officially copyright your art. The price is for an application. The application can include several works, so it is not too much if you do all you have at one time. But copyright rules apply, even if you don't officially register it. There are links to copyrights in the 'announcement' area of this group. As soon as you produce a work, it is copyright. Though you do need to make sure it has your name (first and last) as well as copyright symbol © as a minimum. (Printing these, rather than signing, is recommended.) There are now laws re 'orphan' works - so that if an artist creator can't be found, someone else can claim that copyright. It is advisable to take photos of your work in progress in case you need to prove your copyright. Other than that you should need no other additional protection. -- ~Jillian artist, Jillian Crider Oh how I wish I were a happy little vegemite! 🙂

artist, Jillian Crider

... google me!
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In the past year I have lost 2 sold aceos somewhere between the scanner and the studio (5 feet). I had to repaint them.

"All black and white, nice." ~ golders
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*lol* -- ~Jillian artist, Jillian Crider Oh how I wish I were a happy little vegemite! 🙂

artist, Jillian Crider

... google me!
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You are a world of knowledge Jillian! --
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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An additional "nibble" of food for thought: TRADEMARKS: You should also consider trademarking your name if you use a business name or alias instead of your real name. For example, I don't use my real name. Deep seated identity-crisis issues I guess. Instead, I use "Alternique" for everything. It's my business name, my copyright name, my website name, group name, username, screen name, etc... I have so much "proof of use" out there it's borderline obnoxious. (Plus you get about a million hits when someone Googles it!) So it's trademarked and I also bought the domain. And although I used to feel self-concious because it seemed so arrogant to post it everywhere.......I have certainly gotten over it. Foreign countries, phishers, identity theft & copyright pirates are too prevelant on the Internet to take any chances. So, I addition to: "Copyright 2005-2007 ~ Alternique ~ All Rights Reserved", I also list: "The name Alternique is Trademarked" at the bottom of my website and other Internet site pages. And I include the little "TM" next to it whenever possible. These days overkill can be a bit of a safety net. -- ~ Debra ~ " ^v^ " (¯`(¯`(•_•)´¯)´¯) " ^v^ " Spidey & his batty friends gearing up for Halloween!

~ Debra ~
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Trademarking brings too many issues as well as cost. I freely and proudly use my name. Tradmarking can be state, federal or world. Unless you do it world, then someone in another country can use it anyway. And if just state (local?), then someone in another state can use it. Legal costs to fight such things and police it is horrendous for an individual. TM can only be used if a trademark is applied for (about $350), and once approved, that is changed to R for registered trademark, from what I understand. Just too many issues for my liking. There is a lot of support for legal issues with artists re copyrights. For instance, here in Atlanta $30 a year gives access to lawyers versed in the arts. For anyone who might need legal advice now, or in the future, a pre-paid legal plan might be a good option - usually about $35 a month (mine is). The odds of you having to go to court is much greater than the possibility of you being hospitalized. (4 to 1, I believe) :) -- ~Jillian artist, Jillian Crider Oh how I wish I were a happy little vegemite! 🙂

artist, Jillian Crider

... google me!
Message 9 of 16
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jillian,totally offtopic here,but do you know anything about copyrighting or patenting the vdesign for the chopper bicycle my friend michael built?it is a work of art,i would hate to see some big company steal his design,so i'm afaraid to even post pics of it in groups! -- man is a feeling creature...peter graves
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ignore the"v",lol! -- man is a feeling creature...peter graves
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He is the creator. Though think this might come under patents, about which I know nothing. There are copyright links in 'announcements'. I don't know how much help for this though. -- ~Jillian artist, Jillian Crider Oh how I wish I were a happy little vegemite! 🙂

artist, Jillian Crider

... google me!
Message 12 of 16
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Comparing trademarks to copyrights is an "apples to oranges" comparison. It isn't a question of one or the other; because they each protect different aspects of your business. In certain circumsances they work together in a "partnership of protection", so to speak. Trademarks protect your name or logo; and copyrights protect the creations you produce under that company name or logo. Separate issues. Also, you can claim a business name as trademarked the day you first use it in the course of legitimate business and it is retroactive should the need arise to prove your claim, ie, "proof of use". The use of the TM establishes your rights and alerts the public to your claim of the trademarked name on a federal level. It can be used whether you have filed with the USPTO or not. Once you have filed and are registered, you can then convert to the circled R if you wish. I prefer the TM as it is easier to incorporate into text, HTML and images. The trademark issues are actually much simpler and far fewer than the copyright issues, because they deal with two entirely seperate areas. Thousands of images can be claimed under one copyright, whereas there is only one name per trademark. Trademarks aren't nearly as complicated because they don't face the same issues as copyrights; such as "derivative work" issues, display issues, personal use vs. commercial use, resale, permissions, public domain, licensing, etc....... Copyrights are much more complex, have many more legal issues to contend with, and do require more support and legalities. A trademark is pretty straight forward. It protects your business name and/or logo, just as a copyright protects your work. A trademark won't protect you in countries that don't recognize or respect the trademark laws anymore than a copyright will protect you in China. I'm all for using whatever name you prefer; whether it is your real name, a nickname, or a name you've coined for your business. I don't think it is appropriate to discourage protection on any level. It's a matter of personal choice. A trademark coupled with a copyright is providing another insulating layer against the fraud that runs rampant in our industry. They are simply warning labels that let everyone know you take your business seriously. -- ~ Debra ~ " ^v^ " (¯`(¯`(•_•)´¯)´¯) " ^v^ " Spidey & his batty friends gearing up for Halloween!

~ Debra ~
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Sorry if I gave the wrong impression. But some of my information is different to this. Or was, last I read, which wasn't too long ago. Maybe I misunderstood some of it. Yeah, TM is different to © for sure. I'm dashing off to work, so will try to absorb this later. Thanks for this information. -- ~Jillian artist, Jillian Crider Oh how I wish I were a happy little vegemite! :) -- Edited by artistjillian at 08/30/2007 6:06 AM

artist, Jillian Crider

... google me!
Message 14 of 16
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This is a good read ..thanks Debra/Alternique. Helpful. --


z's listings

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