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Where do sellers go to complain against buyers?

Do sellers have recourse against buyers? Can I file a report with ebay?  This is what happened, you tell me:  I sold 2 new eReaders to buyer in Canada.  Buyers claims they dont work. I sold over 25 of these and hadn't a complaint til now.  I offer refund if buyer mails them back to me. Buyer refuses cuz shipping them back would cost too much.  And to add insult to injury, buyer wants to report me for selling for fradulent items/maybe leave neg. FB.  Makes me wonder if buyer is trying scam me. For one, why would you keep something that doesn't work?  Two, I didn't know they didn't work, buyer coulda got a bad batch. I have 100% feedback, so I am a good seller. And Buyer wants to report me.  What can I do? What is my recourse? Where are sellers protection against these buyers?

Message 1 of 61
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Re: Where do sellers go to complain against buyers?

Your MacBook sold on August 15th in the wee hours of the morning (00:11 PST) ... Today is only August 16th.


eBay sends messages to buyers when they win. There should be no need to message a winning bidder or to send an invoice.


You can't even open an Unpaid Item until 48 hours after the auction ends. Tomorrow - Sunday the 17th at 00:12 PST.


And it's a weekend.  Have a little patience.


If he still has not paid by Monday afternoon, open the Unpaid Item.  He has 4 days (96 hours) to pay - starting at the time you open the case.  If he pays, ship. If he does not pay, close the UPI to get your fees back.


Then and only then, send a Second Chance offer to the next highest bidder.


How many messages have you sent this buyer?

Wisdom comes from experience. Experience is often a result of lack of wisdom. ~ Sir Terry Pratchett
Message 31 of 61
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Re: Where do sellers go to complain against buyers?

@taadaa58 wrote:

I feel for new sellers 49. The way ebay advertises to draw in new sellers makes it looks like all you have to do is list you item,it sell and wah lah you have money in your PP acct. The new sellers come in not knowing all the ins and outs how ebay really works. It would take a few weeks to really learn everything and if you've never sold before it can be mind boggling to say the least.'But' it can be done,it's just not as fast and simple as ebay leads people to believe it is.


I don't say all that to deter people,but it is soo important to learn how the site works before jumping in.There is no wading pool here.Learning before jumping in the deep end is the best life preserver.  Smiley Happy

I agree completly!


 j2, you are "spending" (wasteing perhaps) your hours lately learning some of the ins & outs required to sell things on eBay, I think that if you spent the same amount of time reading eBays rules and many of the topics that are being discussed on the various eBay community groups & boards your "eBay education" would not be as frustrating as it seems for you.


It is certainly possible to bend some of eBays "recommendations" (or rules) if you clearly understand the rules to begin with. Understanding eBays rules takes more that weeks, more than months, more than 10 sales and more than 100 sales.


It's clear that you are attending the school of hard knocks in your approach to selling on eBay and, to some degree, all sellers have had to learn some of the rules by experience (the hard way). You are making this harder than it needs to be.


I recently began selling here also and made the exact same mistake as you did by not realizing that my shipping and payment preferences had to be set correctly to avoid overseas sales. I was very surprised to have an item of mine sold to someone in Albania. I don't even know where Albania is but I checked the USPS rate table, calculated the shipping cost, sent my buyer an invoice that included the overseas shipping cost, waited to get paid, and then had to take the package to the post office to buy international shipping for the shipment.


The whole ordeal took about an extra hour over the time I would have spent if the sale had been to someone in the US. I learned a lot about eBay preferences, online shipping calculators, overseas shipping options and many other things. It took me "too much"  time to accomplish that one small sale but, after that experience, I know exactly which countries I will never have to ship to again.


I'm a smarter seller than I was 3 months ago & there are at least 100 mistakes I now know how to avoid. That extra hour it cost me to ship an item to Albania has paid me back in saved time & aggravation with interest.


What would it cost you to wait to be paid and to ship your item to the UK? Maybe an extra hour. How much do you get paid per hour when you work? $140? (I think that was the amount beyond your start price that you made). You have made it clear that you are POd but I think you are doing quite well for your first sale.


Try not to harass the winning bidder so he doesn't cancel his purchase due to fear of your ardent & numerous messages regarding payment starting hours after the auction ended.(If it isn't too late already).


It's 6:33 PM PST where I'm sitting. Do you know what time it is in Great Britian?


Message 32 of 61
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Re: Where do sellers go to complain against buyers?

As an eBay purchaser. I've been stung by the seller not sending item with proper address and no return address for her shipment she purposely lost the item in post office mania bouncing from post office to post office. I did receive e refund. I'll never know if she just wanted the insurance fee from post office.
Message 33 of 61
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Re: Where do sellers go to complain against buyers?

Buyer: automotionunlimitedinc wins my auction of four vintage Swiss watches. There is an Omega Deluxe in the bunch and it would run for 10 seconds when I shook it but would stop. I disclose this in the listing. I ship the items to the buyer and he filed a report with eBay saying that the items were not as described.

He wants a refund so I want my watches back and I refund him the money. ($46.99) he doesn't return the items and then I find that he sells the watch that he claims was not as described for $199...

I'm a hundred percent feedback buyer and seller. This is absolute deceptive practices that eBay is plagued with because all of the rules are against the seller and for the buyer and this user takes full advantage of all of the holes in the system. Deplorable.

Message 34 of 61
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Re: Where do sellers go to complain against buyers?

Where do sellers go to complain against buyers?


It seems, standing in front of the mirror and having a mini,

or maxi rant will give you some limited satisfaction, but more

than you will get from eBay... because they really don't care.

Message 35 of 61
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Re: Where do sellers go to complain against buyers?

BD Smiley Very Happy


@axeshun13 Hi, axe ~ sorry this happened to you, but why in the world would you refund before you received the watch back?  Always, always, reply to a return request with "return for refund".


...and when listing something that doesn't work, you absolutely have to list it using "for parts, not working" and list it by itself and not as a lot.


I see that you haven't sold in a while so you should spend some time reading the boards...and bronx-dog is correct ~ this is a buyer's venue and there is very little that we can do to protect ourselves as sellers....come back here if you have question, because we can provide you with the info for the small amount of protection that eBay affords their sellers.

How much better life would be, if a liar's pants really did catch fire!
Message 36 of 61
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Re: Where do sellers go to complain against buyers?

You have no way to report buyers. Ebay refuses to let any negative feedback on buyers. there solution for there own failure was to screw over the sellers on there site and always go with the buyer. Sold a lens that was 100 years old. A headlight lens. the seller said it had a scratch and it cost me return shipping and the cost of shipping. I reported and nothing was done. nothing. i refuse to let anyone cheat me. I no longer sell on ebay ever

Message 37 of 61
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Re: Where do sellers go to complain against buyers?

There's nothing you can do if your seller and buyer can say anything and keep your money and your product. When you calling to eBay about a case to try to resolve A problem your actually calling into a call center that is located overseas. These call centers don't have any answers for you they only make a decision and stick with it. 9 1/2 out of 10 times the buyer is going to keep your money & your product because these call centers are not educated on what to do they just get to make a decision and stick with it. They are not educated on making these kind of decisions… Ebay is saving money to send us to a call center for an educated people to make a decision and they don't really care if buyers keep your money or your product or you get neither. Ebay is going to make their money… And they're going to make even more money now because they are sending all their jobs overseas to untrained so-called specialists! Word-of-mouth advertisement is the number one form of advertisement… I hope that if you had a bad experience with eBay you can use your words and advertise all over the Internet. I for one will be doing just that. I'm going to take care of my customers that have bought products from me and I'm going to quit selling on eBay there are plenty of other sites to sell on. And these sites don't cost as much money to Sell on! I'm hoping for more educated call centers that can speak English and I'm also hoping for a company to care what's going on with the case, research what actually went on and make an educated decision. And the last six months I feel like selling on eBay has been like going to a casino. You know when your friend brags 815 grand at the casino but then you have to ask them but yeah how much did you spend to make that five grand..... 10 grand, 12 grand… I'm losing more money than I'm making after Ebay takes 10% PayPal takes 3% and fraudulent buyers are being taught how to be crooks by Ebay I'm losing. I just got off the phone with one of their so called specialist… She couldn't get through my questions only repeat that my buyer was going to keep my money and my product she couldn't even give me a reason why. This is not acceptable and it's getting worse please keep ebay in your mouth at all times… Let's all "advertise" so to speak for Ebay!
Message 38 of 61
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Re: Where do sellers go to complain against buyers?

If you're a seller you're going to be in the wrong. When you call Ebay customer service you'll be talking to somebody at a call center overseas in India/China/etc. etc. etc. the so-called specialist don't know what they're doing they're answering phones and making an informed And an educated decisions. Good luck and I hope you enjoy giving your money on products away with Ebay.
Message 39 of 61
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Re: Where do sellers go to complain against buyers?

Hi, @nunnya71_9 ~ Let me guess...the iPhone listing?  If you give us the details of what happened we might be able to the very least give you some information on how to protect yourself in the future.


...and thanks for bumping an old thread to help with the slow connection glitch ~ PT joke!
How much better life would be, if a liar's pants really did catch fire!
Message 40 of 61
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Re: Where do sellers go to complain against buyers?

This is not true.  I bought 6 supposedly "brand new" shot glasses with decals on them.  I washed them in warm, soapy water in a tupperware bowl in the sink and all the decals washed off.  Ebay resolution department said, "If you saw they were dirty, you should have called us right away."  How many people buy glassware and don't wash them after the purchase.....or at the very least rinse them?  I even offered to pay to return them.  Ebay said I didn't have a valid claim and closed by case.  Paypal is now working with me.  However, I did leave a negative review (not aimed personally at the seller, though) stating that the decals shouldn't have washed off on brand new glassware.  Ebay removed my negative review of this seller's site.  ???? Caveat emptor.

Message 41 of 61
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Re: Where do sellers go to complain against buyers?

No worries... PayPal will definitely refund your money just out of fear that there maybe a charge back from the credit card that was used to pay for it. This is good for you but bad for most sellers who sell quality items and people either tamper with or break the item and then want to return it. I had a buyer who bought an industrial chocolate tempering machine from me that was over $700 and they used it for an event or something and broke it and then wanted their money back. EBay was in my favor and said they would not refund the money and I did not have to accept the return. A month later they contacted PayPal and PayPal wouldn't even listen to the story and automatically favored with the buyer. By that time it was too late for me to get back my final value fees and such... Plus I had to pay for the return shipping so that sale cost me over $200 ...It's a bunch of **bleep**.

Message 42 of 61
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Re: Where do sellers go to complain against buyers?

I know.  I am sure it hurts sellers, but this was my second purchase on EBay and because of the experience I won’t be wanting to buy through this site anymore.  From now on I’m getting my grandkids gift certificates.  I’m too old for aggravation.  Just say’n.  Hope, however, your future sales are better than my purchase.  

Message 43 of 61
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Re: Where do sellers go to complain against buyers?

Um, does anyone realize that this post was from 2012? Pretty safe to say that the situation has been resolved by now. LOL

Message 44 of 61
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Re: Where do sellers go to complain against buyers?

Will not be Ebay, I have been complaining about sellers that sell Solar lights for 3 years...the batteries are permanantley glued into the set the solars up in your garden, they work so you leave a good feedback,  the lights stops working, you try to change the batteries, you cannot the are either glued or soldered into the units....Call Ebay, all they say is  "We will escalate this problem" has been 3 years....nothing has been done!!  The list of problems are endless on line...check it out, I don't understand how Ebay is still in business, guess we are trusting thinking when we buy something on Ebay we will get what we pay for...NO, not in all cases, then you call Ebay with a complaint and you are to get your money back, YOU as the buyer ends up waiting 8 days...but, when you buy an item, you are to pay that second!!!

Message 45 of 61
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