So I sold an item on 17 May and shipped it out on the 20th via UPS
ground. The estimated delivery time shown to the buyer was May 24. I am
located in Tennessee and they are located in California. UPS does a good
job updating the tracking every few ho...
Been here forever & still befuddled why the condition description isn’t
accessible on the mobile app. Makes zero sense why eBay with all of its
capital & workforce can’t make this a feature for as much as we sellers
pay to sell here. Please tell me I...
The horrible Shop Safe Act has bene reintroduced by Congress & we all
need to be phoning & writing our representatives & sharing the awful
stories of the VERO program & how it has been used arbitrarily &
incorrectly against legitimate businesses on h...
Reading the new update for the upcoming eBay refurbished program (yet
another way to stifle sales from the majority of small reseller
businesses) & saw this under the FAQ section. For any of you applying
for this program I really hope you have succes...
When trying to respond, open, check status etc of a return on the app I
am logged out of my account or given the “something went wrong” message.
Been going on for a few weeks now. Makes it impossible to handle returns
& formulate responses without go...
You can’t do that though. You are not allowed to issue partial refunds
once you’ve agreed to a return when a case has been opened. Now if you
are saying you have customers who ship the item back without going
through the case center I wish I had your...
Some of us midsize sellers are in the 300,000-500,000 range in sales so
it’s much more than a hobby or side hustle. eBay knows that. I’ve been
sure to let them know when I’ve been interviewed about this that I plan
on divesting myself from eBay start...
Yup that’s why they are going to oppose it. Because that provision about
after 3 strikes the seller is banned from the marketplace indefinitely
is going to kill tons of their sellers which will drop sales as well
The third party firms are required to provide their contact info when a
takedown has been conducted. However, it is my experience that they
hardly ever reply or simply will be like “ you are not allowed to sell
this” & that’s the end of it. Even if y...
I have done the same thing myself with certain brands, which is pitiful
to be honest, because there should be no reason for leaving any kind of
revenue out there if the item is legitimate. If you have kept
information from these interactions, Ebay wo...