Can I provide my Seller phone number to an eBay customer that has
already purchased?When they contact me for questions or tech support, it
is often easier to talk on the phone.
I'm blown away that in 2021 I can't find a simple thermal printer to
print my eBay (USPS/UPS/FEDEX) shipping labels with any kind of
simplicity or consistency - using my iPhone. Am I asking for too much?
Should I just try to land on the moon? It's se...
Two topics but related in my case:When goin on vacation, I would like to
continue to list items that my dealers drop-ship for me. However, I
don't want my other listings active since I'm not home to prepare them
for shipping. If I simply end some of ...
My listings contain html; mainly to offer links to similar products on
my ebay catalog. When users click to "view full item description", on my
ads with html, the navigation pane on the left is no longer there. The
navigation pane is viewable when th...
The only reason I would ever give out my number would be for tech
support on the radio communication device they purchase. This would only
be if they contact me with issues (after installing it) and need tech
support. I have been giving the number ou...