I have about 60 auctions going right now, but only 10 have any views.
This is very strange, for the items I list normally have 10+ after the
first two-three days. I list items in anime and sports cards. eBay has
been pushing me, very hard, to promote...
Sold an item last week, for over $300. Buyer did not pay. I check his
feedback, there are 5 feedback showing the guy didn't pay for those
items, too. I am sick to death of us sellers getting the shaft! What
does eBay do to those that do not pay? smh ...
I have been running into this more and more, over the last six months.
Sellers not actually shipping items, that I won at really good prices
(for a buyer). Then, after a few weeks, "giving" a refund as the item
does not show up. What better way to av...
This new system for sports cards is asinine. Browsing is now virtually
impossible. And posting is now so very time consuming. What are these
geniuses smoking????
Received 3 email messages from COMC, concerning the shipping of 3 items
I JUST won, during the last 7 days. This is what they stated, concerning
my items, already PAID FOR.... "Thank you for your purchase. Your order
is being packaged with an expecte...
Ebay is not your friend! They side with the buyer, regardless of truth.
I had been with them for 22 years. Only in the last 6 months did I ever
have an issue, and all...ALL of it was due to the breakdown at USPS (due
to the fake pandemic AND the mail...