Link or short answer: What are the dollar values on the 1099?? Total
buyer payments (price+sales tax+shipping cost)"Gross transaction amount"
(price+shipping cost)Payouts (gross transaction amount - fees)if this,
is it total fees or just final value ...
I've just realized how much more complicated making and tracking
purchases on eBay has become. How can I change the account set ups to
make it better? Specific questions at the end. It the past, when I made
a purchase on eBay and paid with paypal, th...
I sold a motor, then negotiated with the guy to buy three other things,
which he did. He hasn't paid yet, and has requested an invoice with the
agreed price discount and combined shipping cost. I get to the invoice
okay, but when I execute the invoic...
eBay telling us "managed payment doesn't slow trade" rests entirely on
sellers accepting more risk. But no one wants us to look at it like it
is. It takes 2 days for buyer payment to clear the buyer's account. From
a seller's perspective it is the ti...
I recently sold a large heavy item as local pick up only. The sale
actually worked as it ought, item bought by a local man. He paid, we
met, I gave him the thing, all done. But I notice I'm still being
prompted for tracking information. eBay know thi...
@studiodeflores I agree it is a change, not the way it has always been.
It is a terrible change and one that sellers should be told about and
care. Even before this happed, I'd been frustrated by the fact that the
condition description cannot be ente...
@chapeau-noir wrote:Wonder if OP will ever return, or we've just wasted
our time.Good information benefits so many. What you wrote in mid
February , I'm reading and benefitting from in early March. The stats
say more than 600 people have viewed this ...
@stainlessenginecovers eBay says it, "that is what shows best (or only
shows) on website search engines." But is it really true? And I am not
asking rhetorically! Where is the research to support eBay's pushing the
bland listings. I hate reading text...
@watchmystuffgo , if you are still here, what is the mark on the back of
your clip? Is it a maker's mark? Or do you know the maker of your piece?
I have a brooch with the same upturned rhinestone settings, marked just
sterling. Your maker would give ...