companies file tax and pay tax for their EMPLOYEES . yes we are NOT a
employee of ebay. get that clear . ebay should not file tax nor release
tax information to IRS directly. it should be to OWNERS ofaccount
only.that information is going to newely p...
it is about control. having your SS and Bank account . THEY OWN you.
they will write up excel sheets who has the best sales data. and who
brings the most. prioritize sales, EBAY will run your credit scores, (
yes they will eventually) and they contro...
NOP you are missing the huge point. that is wrong. Ebay provided only
the SITE where buyer and seller sell litems htey are arguing they are
not PART of seliing or buying process as BUYER or SELLER SET The price
not ebay. so you are essentially only p...
I think class action lawsuits are on the horizon. this is bully tactic
by ebay. insteresting that new israli company called the Payonner
recently hitched ride wth ebay (they work just like paypal like middle
man) esp otehr part of world like china an...
ebay sales from most people are taking LOSS of item they sell. barely
break even. with all that nonsense htey have to go throught. 12.5% tax,
Tax more tax. and income tax. you kidding me. are we slaves to ebay
system ? get out of it.