I QUIT!!! Ebay charges too much and they are double dipping due to the
fact they own PayPal. PayPal even charges for refunds lol. At the end of
the month you get a huge bill and you see little profit. I won’t miss
Ebay at all!!
What keywords are important to get your listings to the top? One wrong
comma and your liable to disappear from the category all together!!!
Free and fast shipping? BUT WHAT ELSE???
Spoiler (Highlight to read)Another eBay police officer? $35 plus free
shipping for 3 mask that I made by hand is far from price gouging.
Another eBay police officer? $35 plus free shipping for 3 mask that I
made by hand is far from price gouging.
Spoiler (Highlight to read)Spoiler (Highlight to read)Did you read the
whole thread? If that’s help I don’t want it. I sat and handmade each
and every mask with materials I purchased. $35 plus free shipping for 3
handmade mask is not price gouging. T...