It has gotten to the point of ridiculousness how many sellers are using
this feature. When I see the same generic description being ran on
auctions where I find it imperative to have details and
measurements,...I move on.Sellers,...take the time to P...
Just got the below message from eBay in my messages a few minutes ago. I
am CLUELESS as to what they are referring to. I do not sell,..and I have
always paid for auctions won.I did not send any messages to eBay,...or
file any complaints.Can anyone de...
Other than report, I guess there is nothing that can be done about a
seller that is falsely labeling costume as "tested" and real. Seller
told me all their items have been "jeweler tested. lol Most likely this
thead will also be reported, but go take...
I did a BIN on an item yesterday. An hour later the seller cancelled the
sale and refunded me, telling me that they had listed the item "too low"
and wer refunding me. My question is seeing that the seller cancelled
the sale, will I still have the op...
....on an item that I "won" and made the payment on,..only to have
seller refund me and say that they are "unable to find the item." I
think that feedback should be able to be left on ALL
transactions,..whether canceled by the seller or not. I know t...
Thank you for making this post!! I have noticed in the last couple of
weeks the very same thing has been happening to me. I put in "deco
bracelet"in the search and I get EVERYTHING,...with very few having the
words "deco bracelet" in title OR body. W...
Got another one today. This is really starting to be irritating; "
understanding as we work to keep our marketplace safe. If you have any
questions or concerns, just get in touch. We're ...