Please don't give up Lynne, as everyone else has said your art is
lovely. You are not alone... everyone is having low to zero sales but it
seems to be picking up again and I hope once back to school is over
everyone will have a little more free (shop...
I use them (when their site is working which hasn't been much as of
late) and the only thing they seem to create are template backgrounds.
I'm not too worried because my art images used for auctions are not of
the quality needed for reproductions. Th...
Here is another explanation by Art Law: www DOT artslaw DOT org/MORAL
DOT HTM . Since the gov. page no longer works artists seem to be using
this now. I wish I could find the actual 1990 US law (The Visual Artists
Rights Act of 1990 (VERA), 17 U.S.A....