With the continued failures of the worse CEO eBay has Ever Had Jaime.
The downfall of this brand and the lack of care for 90% of the
categories with no marketing we are expected to pay outrageous ad rates
to sell anything. In our category the average...
I read an article about a seller who met with a Congressman about a lot
of issues they believe eBay was crossing moral , ethical and legal
lines. It got me to thinking what would other sellers bring up to a
Congressman if they had an opportunity to t...
Hello, I have been in the toy business for over 28 years. If I have met
more then 5 people in the industry that really make a profit or are a
real business person that would be a stretch. I will tell you in the
last few years since stealing seems to ...
Hello its a know issue since the geniuses did an update they broke the
search engine. My sales have dropped 45 percent since Saturday. lost
over 2 grand in sales so far this week. Tons of search terms wont work
at all trying to find items in my ebay ...