I have had two packages that were picked up by carriers, and never
scanned in. They just vanished. One if Florida, one in California,
different sellers with 100% positive ratings, so Im sure they were
Im doubly effed, because I over reacted, as the sellers messaging isnt
on, and I need the damned things because I need to visit at a golf club,
so I need golf stuff by an exact date. So I left wrong feedback. My
first thought was that it went to the ...
What is going on? I use gift cards for my purchases at least 80% of the
time as my visa is a debit card. It has worked just fine for years. Now,
all of a sudden, my account refuses to accept any Ebay gift cards. I
bought two 100 dollar cards to buy w...
Its not a big secret that taxes have just gone up. Even on used items,
which is a bit unfair, as obviously they were already taxed previously.
But I think this is just the tip of it. I wouldn't be surprised if they
doubled before too long. Its no sec...
Here is the awful part. I paid with a gift card, and that is where the
money went back to. I can't simply give the money back to them, because
its no longer really an Ebay transaction. I never even asked for the
money back. What a drag. But I can't j...
Well, if the estimate they give is good, then I should be fine. So far,
its seems like they keep trying to deliver it to the authenticator, but
there is some sort of issue. It says venue blocked. Maybe they will send
them back to the seller, and they...
To be fair, I bought them with three weeks to get here. I had no idea
authentication was just this much of a problem. I cant imagine someone
would pay to create a situation where the buyer cant know when they are
ever going to get their merchandise. ...
I did exactly that. I wrote a feedback addition. This authentication
process...maybe Im the exception, but they need to warn people. They
need to write a big warning saying the messaging will be off, and if its
time sensitive, dont even consider it.