Don't give feedback to sellers until they give it to you.......
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‎09-20-2009 08:59 PM
This is agains Ebay policy I am almost sure. A bit ago Ebay changed policy so sellers could not leave "retalitory" feedback, that is giving a buyer bad feedback who paid quickly, just because they gave well-deserved bad feedback for a good reason.
This ruined the feedback system for ebay, making it useless.
Now, apparently most sellers simply hold off on giving feedback as long as possible. Are they hoping the buyer gets tired of waiting? Are they hoping the buyer simply slips up and leaves it before they are supposed to?
Whatever the reason, there is no GOOD one for not leaving positive feedback for a buyer that pays lightning fast with PayPal. The buyers job is done at that point, and done very well.
Then it is up to the SELLER to pack the item well, ship it promptly, and have the item be as described in the auction.
If the seller screws up or sells something that is not as advertised, then they damn well deserve bad feedback so that the next buyer can be informed of the bad apple.
So in a nutshell, if you are a buyer on ebay, lets start holding that feedback back until the seller does what they are supposed to for a prompt-paying customer. And if they do not leave feedback, lets report them to Ebay so the feedback system is not compromised as it once was, and so buyers can be properly informed of a sellers performance when they are shopping.
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‎05-18-2014 09:31 AM
I have never heard of ebay being on the sellers side unless there is a good reason for it.
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‎05-24-2014 11:49 AM
you cannot report a seller for not giving you feedback.
no rule states that feedback is mandatory
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‎05-24-2014 04:43 PM
Hi everyone.
I'm mostly a buyer here on e-Bay; and of vintage fashions at that.
I often send the buyer photos of me wearing the particular dress that they sold to me. Some leave feedback before I do; but even those sellers who wait to receive feedback first, I will wait until they respond to the message or e-mail with the photos.
Then I will leave feedback, as promised.
If anything; my photos are proof that the item has arrived and has found a good home. Hee hee!
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‎05-26-2014 12:19 PM
From -Buyer = Grading the Product & Service Provided To You The Customer.
Sellers History Is Avaible To The Buyer BEFORE THEY BUY.
From - Seller = Grading Customers Ability To Push The Buy Button & Pay For Purchase.
Seller See's Buyer's History AFTER A Purchase. (Can Only Be Positive ?) Screams Please Someone Say Something Nice About ME !
A Real Plus To Sellers In The Future ??
Feedback Is Not Required By EBAY
We Leave Feedback
Most All Sellers Are In The Business To Make Money..
Shipping Carriers Are Amazing Almost Like God's
After All the Vidios Of Missss Handling Of Packages By All Carriers.
If A Purchase Arrives Damaged Or Late The Customer Beleives That The Seller Is Indeed At Fault.. (Sellers Gain Nothing From This)
Don't Contact The Shipping Carrier, Don' File A Claim \ Contact The Sellers
Just Thioughts For The Future.
Best Regards
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‎05-27-2014 03:55 PM - edited ‎05-27-2014 03:57 PM
I can't disagree more. Once the purchaser has paid, their obligation has been satisfied. I buy and sell both, although for the last year or so mostly buy due to eBay's price hikes. I have even taken to sending sellers the following message (obviously somewhat tailored for each individual circumstance) when they fail to promptly leave feedback:
"Good evening. As an 12 year "veteran" of selling on eBay, I just felt compelled to comment on the fact that while this item ended 4 days ago, and has been shipped, feedback has yet to be posted.
There seems to be an increasing trend of sellers not to post feedback until the buyer posts theirs, and quite frankly, I find this troubling. The buyer has completed his responsibilities as soon as the seller has received payment and feedback should be posted at that time. Sellers that fail to do so indicate (in my humble opinion) either a lack of confidence in their selling or a lack of understanding of the respective responsibilities of the seller and buyer. Either way, it generally discourages me from viewing their future listings.
It is not my intent to offend; these comments are just my opinion. Take care, JT"
JMHO - illinoismoose
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‎05-27-2014 05:08 PM
This trend is most probably due to the fact that ebay has now moved the goal posts. Befor sellers had a more fairer feedback system and now it it all one way.
Quite a few buyers pay for the item and then send a email saying they want it as fast as possible and please send it first class even though the option was there during checkout. Or that they did'nt check the address and it need to go to another address. Both of these situations put the seller in a precarious situation. If they send it to the alternative address they could be excluded from seller protection and if they dont send out the item fisrt class they can be left feedback saying seller did not do as request therefore a negative feedback is received in both circumstance both due to the seller. Payment is just part of what the buyer has to do. Simply checking things during checkout is another but a fair amount don't.
Their "obligation" is to order correctly and pay and if there is a problem to contact the seller which agian a lto don't befor leaving feedback. People who see paying as the only obligation are very short sighted in my opinion.
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‎05-28-2014 06:57 AM
As a seller this is the type of message I get from buyers daily.
Dear ukbeading_aka_surreyfoam,
Hy is possobol to shipping sono you can tanks
And you think once the've paid it's all over with alot of the time that is when the problems begin.
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‎05-29-2014 08:14 PM
Never give a buyer feedback until they leave feeback for you. In the present ebay system, a buyer can't be trusted to even do the right thing--let alone the fair and polite thing. If you leave them good feedback before they leave good feedback for you, they have your item, the power to leave you a bad rating and they have your money if ebay decides a case against you. Don't fall for that positive thinking marketing stuff pushed by so many.
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‎05-29-2014 08:17 PM
Wish there were more buyers like you. Sadly, the nasties are way too common.
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‎06-09-2014 02:27 PM
Nope. It is the buyer's responsibility to leave feedback first--not the seller. They have your item and have the full power to ruin your rating with bad feedback. Why give them good feedback first when you may be in danger of getting bad feedback as a response? This has nothing to do with having confidence in your products. This has everything to do with the ebay trained buyer today who knows they can pull almost everything (including ruining your item and claiming it was received "damaged") and pay no consequences. The buyer does nothing other than pay for the item. Why does that warrent instant good feedback from the seller? That's what they are supposed to do--pay for the item. Hardly a reason for praise. As both a buyer and a seller, I ALWAYS leave feedback. But I don't leave feedback first when someone has purchased something from me. Never. Praise comes from a job well done, and not leaving feedback as a buyer, while certainly optional, does not deserve congrats.
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‎06-09-2014 02:33 PM
Yes. Thanks for your post.
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‎06-09-2014 02:36 PM
You can leave a supposed "positive" but add a comment, such as: "buyer is dishonest, difficult," etc. And the comments will get read by someone. And be sure to block all bad buyers.
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‎06-09-2014 02:39 PM
The system is broken--no doubt about that. If you want to test it, start selling on ebay. Within a few months you'll have at least one bad and unwarranted experience with a buyer. When you see how that feels, you may understand the feedback debate.
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‎06-09-2014 07:42 PM
I always leave feedback as soon as I receive an item so the seller knows that I did receive it. The only time I DON'T leave feedback is if it doesn't live up to the way it was listed. Then I contact the seller and explain why I am not going to leave feedback. I figure no feedback is better than bad feedback. I have been both a seller and a buyer. I have had some really great experiences and only a couple of bad ones.
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‎06-10-2014 01:21 AM
Time and time again, I buy something on Ebay, I pay immediately with PayPal, and the seller does not give me any feedback until after I leave it for him first.
This is agains Ebay policy I am almost sure. A bit ago Ebay changed policy so sellers could not leave "retalitory" feedback, that is giving a buyer bad feedback who paid quickly, just because they gave well-deserved bad feedback for a good reason.
Since you call it retalitory feedback from sellers I guess all 100% was retalitory and none of it was deserved for rude, ignorant, di'nt reply to emails etc buyers.
I'm sure it went on (don't know the percentages of deserved agains retalitory) but the flip side was that some buyers would use feedback to extort a price refund. EBAY HAS DONE NOTHING ABOUT THIS. Buyers can still leave "extortion negative feedback"
This ruined the feedback system for ebay, making it useless.
Yes it is useless becase no one can judge a buyer for things like missing items. As a seller I would like to put neutral "buyer did not receive item". As a seller looking at a buyers feedback I could judge if this buyer was trying to pull a fast one. In the old system you could look at it and some buyers would have lots of items not received. This could then be reported to ebay. Now there is no checking and BUYERS ARE MISUSING THE SYSTEM.
Now, apparently most sellers simply hold off on giving feedback as long as possible. Are they hoping the buyer gets tired of waiting? Are they hoping the buyer simply slips up and leaves it before they are supposed to?
Since sellers are at the DISADVANTAGE in the feedback system they are waiting to see what happens. If they get positive they will reciprcate if not they won't .
Whatever the reason, there is no GOOD one for not leaving positive feedback for a buyer that pays lightning fast with PayPal. The buyers job is done at that point, and done very well.
Have you not read the posts. I gave a few exapmples earlier why that was rubbish.
Then it is up to the SELLER to pack the item well, ship it promptly, and have the item be as described in the auction.
If the seller screws up or sells something that is not as advertised, then they **bleep** well deserve bad feedback so that the next buyer can be informed of the bad apple.
Yes it is useless becase no one can judge a buyer (BAD APPLE) for things like missing items. As a seller I would like to put neutral "buyer did not receive item". As a seller looking at a buyers feedback I could judge if this buyer was trying to pull a fast one. In the old system you could look at it and some buyers would have lots of items not received. This could then be reported to ebay. Now there is no checking and BUYERS ARE MISUSING THE SYSTEM.
So in a nutshell, if you are a buyer on ebay, lets start holding that feedback back until the seller does what they are supposed to for a prompt-paying customer. And if they do not leave feedback, lets report them to Ebay so the feedback system is not compromised as it once was, and so buyers can be properly informed of a sellers performance when they are shopping.