Hey Beth! Long time no see! I'm glad to hear that you got that bug
worked out and that you were able to post pics of that bag. It's
certainly a nice one.I was glancing over your listed items and I've
already stolen one of them! : OLD NAVY Cool Lightw...
I appreciate your posting on this matter. In spite of receiving
discouragement from North American sellers, I have proceeded to purchase
goods from China. In fact, I purchased pairs of dress sandals from a
couple of sellers based there. I don't recal...
As a longtime buyer of mostly fashion items here on e-Bay, I cannot
recall ever receiving such a request. I believe e-Bay members are unable
to include e-mail addresses within messages which may be sent on the
site. In fact, I believe it's prohibited...
I have just come across this discussion and, like most other opinions
I've read, I am none too happy about it. The presentation looks less
organized that it was, and I do not see how this new format constitutes
an improvement. ..and what is the point...
Hi there! Glad you liked the video. I wasn't selling anything, lol. In
fact, I'm mostly a buyer here on e-Bay and usually of fashions at that.
I purchased all pieces of the fashion combination that I'm wearing in
the video. Thank you for your complim...