02-11-2019 10:32 AM - last edited on 02-12-2019 05:25 PM by kh-gary
Hey, all, been a while since I've been around. You're welcome.
So, I buy/sell/trade comics all over, including Facebook, and recently purchased a comic book from a guy who promised it in MUCH better condition than it actually was. When I messaged him, he immediately accused me of wanting to "extort money" from him in exchange for not bad-mouthing him. I offered three times to start the conversation over, as I felt he was venting over something that was ultimately a relatively minor issue, something all buyers/sellers go through occasionally. Ultimately, there was a resolution, such as it is, after he called me several vulgar names, accused me of thievery and extortion, without a single apology.
During our conversation, he gave me his Ebay ID to prove he doesn't get complaints (which was irrelevant to the current issue, but whatever made him feel good about himself). The things he said were so vitriolic that I'm considering reporting him to Ebay. The trouble I'm having is if it's right to do that, considering he's a Top Seller and in fact has a very good rating of 99.99% and a few thousand transactions, give or take.
(One example of what he said was that I was a "**bleep**" and was acting just like a sterotypical "**bleep**" by trying to rip someone off, and making something out of nothing; the "nothing" was that he said the comic was in 5.0 condition, but was actually a 1.0-1.5)
02-12-2019 03:01 PM
@wolf*song wrote:That was my bad. I saw a picture, but it was the comic bagged and boarded. If I saw a pic of the book outside the bag, I never woulda done business with him. And he's STILL contacting me on Facebook. I'm not blocking him, yet, because he's giving me fuel to use if I report him for harassment.
That's called giving them enough noose to hang themselves!
02-12-2019 03:06 PM
@castlemagicmemories wrote:
@turquoisetulips wrote:According to the stats I just checked[ curious person 🙂 ] there are 45 million people in the U.S with a mental illness ,, one in five it said . You could be right . Tulips
According to your state, Tulips, there is a lot of that going around.
Mental illness isn't a virus.
02-12-2019 03:12 PM
From the gist of the information here,it seems like this was not an eBay transaction.
02-12-2019 03:15 PM
@soh.maryl wrote:From the gist of the information here,it seems like this was not an eBay transaction.
02-12-2019 03:19 PM
https://www.nami.org/learn-more/mental-health-by-the-numbers Mental Health By The Numbers
Millions of Americans are affected by mental health conditions every year.
02-12-2019 03:25 PM
@gew6463 wrote:Lynn has a very good point that you don't know for sure if that I.D. is in fact his. It may even be a competitors I.D. (and with what He said to you, I would not be surprised). So on that basis alone, I would say definitely not to report.
I am really sorry you had that interaction. Regardless of whether He was upset by someone else, that isn't acceptable. But I have found on many social sites, certain people feel comfortable with that sort of behavior. IF it happened on Ebay, I would say to definitely report it. But they won't be interested since it happened elsewhere.
Love your sense of humor
Welcome back!
I agree, most likely a competitor's id was given, and if it was on Ebay that the purchase had occurred, then you could report. This type of behavior is unacceptable.
02-12-2019 03:28 PM
@castlemagicmemories wrote:https://www.nami.org/learn-more/mental-health-by-the-numbers Mental Health By The Numbers
Millions of Americans are affected by mental health conditions every year.
Why send me this link?
That's precisely why I don't understand your joke making light of this subject.
02-12-2019 03:37 PM
@castlemagicmemories wrote:
@gew6463 wrote:Lynn has a very good point that you don't know for sure if that I.D. is in fact his. It may even be a competitors I.D. (and with what He said to you, I would not be surprised). So on that basis alone, I would say definitely not to report.
I am really sorry you had that interaction. Regardless of whether He was upset by someone else, that isn't acceptable. But I have found on many social sites, certain people feel comfortable with that sort of behavior. IF it happened on Ebay, I would say to definitely report it. But they won't be interested since it happened elsewhere.
Love your sense of humor
Welcome back!
I agree, most likely a competitor's id was given, and if it was on Ebay that the purchase had occurred, then you could report. This type of behavior is unacceptable.
It isn't even an Ebay transaction. Whether or not the Ebay ID given was a competitor or not is merely gossip..
02-12-2019 03:38 PM
RE: recently purchased a comic book from a guy who promised it in MUCH better condition than it actually was. Thoughts?
Generally, when sellers start quantifying items condition, and promising that the item looks better than the pictures, a red flag should have gone up for you. Since it did not, leave crummy feedback and move on.
02-12-2019 03:47 PM
With all due respect, I am not making light of this subject, and I never said it was a virus. I simply alluded to Tulips statistics indicating it was wide spread; going around as in being prevalent.
The link is to show you that many millions are affected every year. I wouldn't liken that to a virus but it does show that the issue is serious and spreading.
Mental health conditions are no laughing matter and I would never indicate otherwise.
02-12-2019 03:49 PM
@escuintla wrote:
@wolf*song wrote:That was my bad. I saw a picture, but it was the comic bagged and boarded. If I saw a pic of the book outside the bag, I never woulda done business with him. And he's STILL contacting me on Facebook. I'm not blocking him, yet, because he's giving me fuel to use if I report him for harassment.
I know, Facebook has "entitled" some people to be mean. Until somebody reports them and send them on vacation for 30 days without being able to comment, nor post anything.
Ask me. Mea culpa! I was on this topic, this guy said "death to xxxxxxxx…...and I replied "leave your stupidity in the basement"....for that, I got a vacation for 30 days, all paid for by FB. But the guy was there, threatening everybody, nothing done to him
It's not just Facebook, though.
02-12-2019 06:01 PM
Here's a little update for you:
He posted parts of our conversation in three different groups, making me look like the bad guy, and then telling lies about me, ie I'm stalking/harassing him, I stole his identity and applied for loans, etc. Nasty, vile posts that I hadda go into and post the ENTIRE conversation we had, so that folks could see what REALLY happened. Of course, people turned on him immediately, but that didn't stop him.
It was when he sent me a private message containing a screenshot of a message he sent several friends asking them to tell me to back off and quit harassing him (again, the only harassment was coming from him), that I decided enough was enough. I warned him to stop posting lies and accusations about me, or I'd report him not only to Facebook, but I'd report him to the authorities for harassment.
Well, of course he didn't take me seriously, so tomorrow morning I'll be contacting the local PD to ask them how I would file charges against someone who is harassing me, and accusing me of crimes, on the internet, and I'll go from there.
As for Facebook, it looks as if they actually investigated him when I reported him, because no one can find his profile, or any of the aliases he was using, anymore. I think he may have been banned from Facebook, entirely. And no, I do not feel bad about that, at all, and if I could report his behavior to Ebay (it's been suggested by MANY that I should, but I can't be sure the ID he gave is legit him, and getting an innocent person into trouble isn't worth it, not at all), with a clear conscience, I would.