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Be warned

I want to warn people that all selling platforms on the internet will be selling a bunch of Looted- Stolen items from the Riots. A whole bunch of new sellers will make accounts to sell their stolen goods.


It makes me sad that some will want stock prices to reflect increased sales of stolen items as genuine profits.


God bless

Message 1 of 100
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Re: Be warned

@itsjustasprain wrote:

@chapeau-noir wrote:
Someone looted Hot Topic?  

I dont know what kind of store that is but in the videos Ive seen they were just smashing windows indiscriminately going straight down the block and then a bunch of others would climb in and start grabbing stuff. Its not like they were shopping around. 🙄 I bet a lot of them didnt even know which store they were in half the time.

I suspect that's right.  It's like the thief who broke into my car - first off, they broke into a 1997 Subaru station wagon with dings all over it, which seemed a little odd (probably because a 5 year old could break into it due to the big dent in the driver's side door), then they stole a busted, rather old GPS unit off the back seat (wish they had taken the cord with it), raked out the glove box and stole my mileage log (huh?) and 20 cents from the stick shift tray.  They may as well have taken the litter bag and the 30 year old cassettes which were worth about as much.  It was just absurd.


“The illegal we do immediately, the unconstitutional takes a little longer.” - Henry Kissinger

"Do not obey in advance." Timothy Snyder "On Tyranny"
Message 46 of 100
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Re: Be warned


"Too many years have passed.  This is not a new issue.  But it is an issue that has never been fixed and that is what needs to change.  


The Good Apples need to help weed out the "bad apples" now, not later but now."


just a follow up, since I have a more coherent mind; due to much needed sleep.



In your response is, what I've been trying to push. When people accept bad things as "it happens, what do you expect them to do, there's nothing they can do, it happens in ever venue around the world; and so forth. It's like saying it's bad but it's normal, nothing to see here, just move on. 


Going off topic for a second:


Same thing with the MBG policy, it's flawed: skewed 95 precent to one side and sellers are stripped of any true voice in the matter. Oh, one can put forth evidence til the cows come home, but it means nothing to eBay 95 precent of the time.


EBay knows what's happening, but it's the norm, so take your losses and move on. Bad applies are everywhere, it's the norm.


Back on topic:


eBay could use the issue in this thesis to address a larger issue, turn the negative into a positive: proactive approach to the bigger picture.


But we'll see what lies ahead. Yeah, what can eBay do, poor poor eBay. I guess it isn't an eBay problem, eBay is special... We'll find out the true colors of eBay, and what they really care about? And, I'd surmise they don't care about a darn thing but themselves.


Corporate Weasels with Politicians alike: send out mockingbirds without ears and wolves being the same, to do their unjust biddings and enrich their greed. And if their biddings go awry, the birds' wings are clipped and the wolves become sacrificial lambs, while the Weasels sing their same old song, a song of change.

Message 47 of 100
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Re: Be warned

Oh they are showing it all over the news in New Jersey.  I get New York City news stations, so it's been non-stop for days on top of the coronavirus news mixed in between.  It's actually kind of nauseating after awhile.



Message 48 of 100
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Re: Be warned

pawn shops is where it will go
Message 49 of 100
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Re: Be warned

pawn shops won't touch it as they are already the first place investigators will try - as said above try craigslist, facebook and offerup - anywhere there's little trace.

Message 50 of 100
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Re: Be warned

Guess you missed the very expensive cars that drove up to the stores, dropped off looters and then picked them up again. I think they have IDs and big bank accts.
Message 51 of 100
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Re: Be warned

Wrong! Bar codes and tech can trace the history for the china plant it was made, to how many delivered to that store, and if that was ever sold.


Message 52 of 100
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Re: Be warned

I don't read Elitist News Garbage!


I know what's going on. Some of them are very wealthy. This is an excuse to get free crud from the system. It's like whan a Billionaire fires 200,000 people in America, and hires 1 million cheap slaves in China, for $2 hr.


Wonder who owns that Foxconn hub in China? Is it Apphole?


Do you buy $300 jerseys of these Fake Football Fools, made in China, so you can be their personal billboard B?

I don't wear billboard shirts for any of the fools. They can pay me $10,000 to wear their piece of garbage Chinese Jersey!


Message 53 of 100
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Re: Be warned

@waba_wookie wrote:

Wrong! Bar codes and tech can trace the history for the china plant it was made, to how many delivered to that store, and if that was ever sold.


Thanks.  What I had said that compelled you to respond was as follows:


"While this is against the Ebay rules as it is stolen goods, I'm unsure what you expect for us.  We can't identify that they are stolen products anymore than we can any other time of the year.

What do you think Ebay can do or the members of Ebay can do to prevent this or stop them?"


I don't know what it is that you feel I'm so wrong about.  I'm not required as a seller to have my "bar codes" cleared by Ebay before I sell stuff here.  If you are having a different experience I do not know why.  That would be something you would need to address directly with Ebay to find out.


Another important note is that many things don't have bar codes or serial numbers or both.  All kinds of products are being taken.  

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 54 of 100
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Re: Be warned

@mam98031 wrote:
Another important note is that many things don't have bar codes or serial numbers or both.  All kinds of products are being taken.  

The point that I think got lost along the way was not whether the items had bar codes; they all do (meaning the Universal Product Code barcode that is scanned for the price during checkout). That does not track individual pieces of inventory, because all the examples of that specific product have the same UPC code. A store can track how many have gone out the door, but not exactly which ones were paid for and which ones were swiped.


What tracks each individual item is a serial number, and on upscale products, the serial number barcode will be on the outside of the package alongside the UPC (price) code. Any product carrying a serial barcode can and will be tracked individually through the supply chain to a specific store, and if it's stolen anywhere along the way (or looted thereafter), there will be on-line records that can flag it -- that exact, specific unit -- as stolen.

Message 55 of 100
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Re: Be warned

@a_c_green wrote:

@mam98031 wrote:
Another important note is that many things don't have bar codes or serial numbers or both.  All kinds of products are being taken.  

The point that I think got lost along the way was not whether the items had bar codes; they all do (meaning the Universal Product Code barcode that is scanned for the price during checkout). That does not track individual pieces of inventory, because all the examples of that specific product have the same UPC code. A store can track how many have gone out the door, but not exactly which ones were paid for and which ones were swiped.


What tracks each individual item is a serial number, and on upscale products, the serial number barcode will be on the outside of the package alongside the UPC (price) code. Any product carrying a serial barcode can and will be tracked individually through the supply chain to a specific store, and if it's stolen anywhere along the way (or looted thereafter), there will be on-line records that can flag it -- that exact, specific unit -- as stolen.


mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 56 of 100
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Re: Be warned

That's the Elitist Biased Fake Media. Couple days after Floyd, a retired Black Cop was killed by a group of black street hoods. The put a selfie vid online of it to brag. What the hell is wrong with people?

Message 57 of 100
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Re: Be warned

You're not thinking broadly enough. I get it. Most have been taught to be a followee.


How many have purchased obnoxiously expensive items from a celebrity? I'm talking 400% to 800% markup. Expensive handbags and shoes/clothing.

They go to places like India and Bangladesh, bribe local authorities to not look. They open slave pens and sweat shops, fill them full of underage children working in horrible conditions. They work for .15c to .45 cents an hour.

Now, why aren't they made here to provide jobs for the lie of "we're in this together"? Heal society, and provide them a way to take care of themselves. The only thing done today is providing jobs for machines and robots in the USA? I've never seen a robot or app walk into any store and be their customer.


Stop following the lie. A followee sees the rump in front of them. Come to where the air is clear.

Message 58 of 100
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Re: Be warned

@waba_wookie wrote:

You're not thinking broadly enough. I get it. Most have been taught to be a followee.


How many have purchased obnoxiously expensive items from a celebrity? I'm talking 400% to 800% markup. Expensive handbags and shoes/clothing.

They go to places like India and Bangladesh, bribe local authorities to not look. They open slave pens and sweat shops, fill them full of underage children working in horrible conditions. They work for .15c to .45 cents an hour.

Now, why aren't they made here to provide jobs for the lie of "we're in this together"? Heal society, and provide them a way to take care of themselves. The only thing done today is providing jobs for machines and robots in the USA? I've never seen a robot or app walk into any store and be their customer.


Stop following the lie. A followee sees the rump in front of them. Come to where the air is clear.

I read in the news how a cop was saying how if a protester stole a gucci bag, then that's not protesting.  But when you think of it, how much does gucci and other high designer companies do to help the lower class, the lower class blacks, etc.?  I agree that stealing from a mom and pop biz is wrong and not a real protest, but gucci who makes millions of $$$'s???  These large profitable companies who usually hide their taxes offshore should be taxed high and those taxes should go to help the low income communities around them in the forms of food, income, apprenticeships, healthcare, jobs, schooling, etc. rather than all that money just going to spend for more police.

Message 59 of 100
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Re: Be warned

A Gucci store in New York City is still paying state taxes which helps fund public schools for NYC and for other local services. Someone is paying just under 9% sales tax on a $2,000 Gucci bag sold out of a NYC store that pays for the things I mentioned. A Gucci store along with the other high-end stores attracts tourists who might purchase something from that Gucci store all while spending money at local mom-and-pop establishments while visiting. Also, people work at these stores like Gucci and do get a competitive wage (a manager makes over 100K, store associates 40K-50K and those employees end up paying state taxes that help fund schools/infrastructure.
All of these "large profitable companies" started out as small companies and are vital to the economy just as much as small businesses.
Message 60 of 100
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