01-15-2022 05:33 AM
When you enter 8x10x1 inch as dimensions for a package, the price charged is $13 on 8 ounces or less.
First of all, that is incorrect and is NOW supposed to be $14 as of Jan 9th.
BUT ... change the dimensions any higher than 8x10x1 .... let's say 8x11x1 and eBay's International facility changes from charging $13 (for an 8 ounce or less package) to $21
Which also is supposed to be charging us $22 as of Jan 9th ... but that is only -IF- the package weighs over 8 ounces.
So this is really screwed up on so many levels and needs to be fixed. It's not only screwing up on the measurements -BUT- charging us the OLD POSTAGE prices as well.
Until this is fixed, we can't mail out International packages.
01-16-2022 01:30 PM
eBay must have changed it back because today it's taking the eBay International Standard delivery back at the 8 ounce price they were before as seen in the screencap below comparing to the same order I screencapped above from a few days ago.
Did they do away with or revise that billable weight rule of L x W x H / 166 ?
I had contacted Customer Service via email the other day and when wrapping it up, told them I wasn't going to be able to use their International service any longer since my package measurements go above their billable weight. They told me they would pass that on to Customer Service.
Thing is I've rarely known CS to listen to us before.
Luckily, I never rang it up thru Pirate site yet but was about to this evening.
01-16-2022 01:35 PM
01-16-2022 01:41 PM - edited 01-16-2022 01:41 PM
Yeah I just read that one while ago.
Here is the bad thing though. The rule is still in the rules section that you linked us to before and states this:
"Shipments whose billable weight exceeds the max allowable weight or dimensions rating limit will be returned to sender at sender’s expense."
So now I'm faced with: Do I buy the label and risk the package being returned to me or buy it from Pirate where I know the package will go through?
And calling eBay Customer Service or emailing them doesn't do any good because I had to explain to them what the problem was since not a single one of them knew.
01-17-2022 06:25 AM - edited 01-17-2022 06:30 AM
I called eBay Customer Service again last night and seemed to get someone a little more knowledged on the subject. He said not to buy the labels even though eBay's generator is offering it or you're package will probably be returned to you at the loss of the seller. He said none of this is eBay doing this, that it's the company eBay uses. That eBay does not make such rules, the company they use does. And if Pirate is using the same company that would screw us as well but we probably wouldn't find it out until after it's too late.
Also I found something else out when looking at the USPS website.
The USPS is no longer offering 1st Class International postage on any package beyond 6 inches. Anything beyond that and it must be sent International Priority ... which I didn't know.
So eBay's postage generator is calculating prices for the USPS First Class incorrectly and I feel our packages will be returned to us by the USPS or we'll be automatically charged the Priority rate on our Credit Card they have on file.