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USPS to replace First Class Package, Retail Ground, Parcel Select with Ground Advantage Summer 2023

As USPS implements price & service changes every July (think the first year was August), I expect that's about the time they're planning to roll this out.


WASHINGTON, Feb. 10, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — As part of its overall strategy to enhance its shipping offerings, the United States Postal Service today filed a procedural filing with the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) notifying the commission of the Postal Service’s intention to replace its existing First-Class Package Service category with USPS Ground Advantage. USPS Ground Advantage will feature two-to five day service standards for packages up to 70 pounds.


The filing streamlines and simplifies package shipping options for customers and enhances the Postal Service’s ground product offering with the anticipated summer 2023 launch of its improved ground product — USPS Ground Advantage.

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Re: USPS to replace First Class Package, Retail Ground, Parcel Select with Ground Advantage Summer 2

@wastingtime101   Thanks for posting this.  I am booking marking it!  



Comics-scifi_collectibles Volunteer Community Mentor
Member since 2003

Message 46 of 164
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Re: USPS to replace First Class Package, Retail Ground, Parcel Select with Ground Advantage Summer 2

@alaskapicks wrote:

How does this affect Alaska?


Ground shipments through USPS are so painfully slow its not even worth it.


First class and priority have always been on time. But if they switch it to ground only for 1lb or under its go-to be devastating because ground estimates from Alaska always take longer. 2-8 days for media mail? Try 16 day's for Alaska. Estimate is never right 


Can anyone shed light?

Well, obviously, I can not speak for anyone else. Bur I routinely use Parcel Select for packages over one pound. BUT !!! if it is going to Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, etc I automatically bump it up to Priority Mail for exactly the reason you stated. Yes, it costs me a few extra dollars but it eliminates complaints about long shipping times. Fortunately I ship enough packages every month that, in total, compared to my total shipping costs it it is an insignificant amount.


I wonder how many people realize that even Juneau, the state’s capital, is surrounded by such foreboding terrain that there is not a single road going into or out of the city,. Ground transport? - good luck with that.


I would guess that there are people who see the opportunity to save a couple of bucks without considering the consequences of an Item Not Received complaint and a forced full refund,


Comes from an old British expression: Penny wise and pound foolish.






"Laissez-faire capitalism (AKA The Great Material Continuum) is the only social system based on the recognition of individual rights and, therefore, the only system that bans force from social relationships." ~ Ayn Rand
Message 47 of 164
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Re: USPS to replace First Class Package, Retail Ground, Parcel Select with Ground Advantage Summer 2

This is going to kill Hawaii sellers as parcel always goes via boat to LA and takes 30-50 days to reach the buyer. Now first class letters will also go that way so bills and letters will always be Late. Also buyers will be claiming items not received in time.



Message 48 of 164
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Re: USPS to replace First Class Package, Retail Ground, Parcel Select with Ground Advantage Summer 2

@ryanrobyn wrote:

This is going to kill Hawaii sellers as parcel always goes via boat to LA and takes 30-50 days to reach the buyer. Now first class letters will also go that way so bills and letters will always be Late. Also buyers will be claiming items not received in time.



Well, in fairness we do not know if first class LETTERS will be converted to parcel select. And presumably your are already using Priority Mail for anything over 1 pound.


Just because they are offering Parcel Select does not mean that you HAVE to use it.  Stay with what has been working for you.


(See my other post just above for the flip side to your argument).

"Laissez-faire capitalism (AKA The Great Material Continuum) is the only social system based on the recognition of individual rights and, therefore, the only system that bans force from social relationships." ~ Ayn Rand
Message 49 of 164
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Re: USPS to replace First Class Package, Retail Ground, Parcel Select with Ground Advantage Summer 2

Of course!...whatever changes they implement, one thing you can always count will cost more!!

Message 50 of 164
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Re: USPS to replace First Class Package, Retail Ground, Parcel Select with Ground Advantage Summer 2

Well looks like UPS is about to get a TON more business then

Message 51 of 164
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Re: USPS to replace First Class Package, Retail Ground, Parcel Select with Ground Advantage Summer 2

First class letters are not a package service and will stay as they are. First class package, retail ground and parcel select ground are being rolled into Ground Advantage. And ground advantage will include insurance. 

Message 52 of 164
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Re: USPS to replace First Class Package, Retail Ground, Parcel Select with Ground Advantage Summer 2

It sure doesn't look like an improvement. First Class (air mail) packages were a good deal because they were fast and relatively inexpensive.


Does anyone know if this affects the requirement to mark hazardous materials for "ground only" or whatever it is (used to be ORM-D)?

Message 53 of 164
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Re: USPS to replace First Class Package, Retail Ground, Parcel Select with Ground Advantage Summer 2

@mccamira wrote:

It sure doesn't look like an improvement. First Class (air mail) packages were a good deal because they were fast and relatively inexpensive.


Does anyone know if this affects the requirement to mark hazardous materials for "ground only" or whatever it is (used to be ORM-D)?

USPS released a new rate chart. The prices for packages under a pound will remain the same when this switchover takes place in a month.


Hazardous materials that have to travel ground still need the appropriate markings. When USPS has room they'll stick ground packages on planes unless it has markings saying it has to travel surface transportation only. That isn't changing just because the name of the service is changing.

Message 54 of 164
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Re: USPS to replace First Class Package, Retail Ground, Parcel Select with Ground Advantage Summer 2

Hate to mark my own post as a 'best answer', but I want to get these price charts up top and I can't edit the OP. Updated post based on new price chart released May 26, 2023.


This change is going into effect July 9, 2023


Some highlights from the PRC (link) & the new price chart released 5/26 (link) :


Rates are being established for USPS Ground Advantage, reflecting both ounce-based and pound-based rates, to take effect on July 9, 2023. These rates are designed to closely align with existing ground package rates established in January 2023. Prices for packages under a pound will match existing First Class Package rates.


USPS Ground Advantage pieces that are undeliverable-as-addressed are entitled to be forwarded or returned to the sender without additional charge.


Up to $100.00 of General Insurance coverage is included at no additional cost


Size and Weight Limitations
Minimum: large enough to accommodate postage, address, and other required elements on the address side

Maximum Cubic size: Various, not to exceed 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, or 1.0 cubic feet 2125.3

Maximum Cubic weight: 20 lbs


Maximum All Others Size: 130 inches in combined length and girth

Maximum All Others Weight: 70 pounds 

A charge of $100.00 applies to pieces found in the postal network that exceed the 70-pound maximum weight limitation or the 130-inch length plus girth maximum dimensional limit for Postal Service products. Such items are nonmailable and will not be delivered. As described in the Domestic Mail Manual, this charge is payable before release of the item, unless the item is picked up at the same facility where it was entered.


Dimensional rates will apply and nonstandard fees will apply for any package exceeding the limits.


PRICES (clipped - see DMM Notice 123 for full charts):






Message 55 of 164
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Re: USPS to replace First Class Package, Retail Ground, Parcel Select with Ground Advantage Summer 2

Sorry . . . too many replies (now at 4 pages) to read through it all.


Is this change going to affect our eBay Shipping Policies that include the old shipping types?  Will I be required to manually change my eBay Shipping Policies?




Message 56 of 164
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Re: USPS to replace First Class Package, Retail Ground, Parcel Select with Ground Advantage Summer 2

The best thing I see here is that it will be a lot easier for sellers who combine shipments without 1st Class Package mucking up the combined shipping conversion. It's about time.



Message 57 of 164
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Re: USPS to replace First Class Package, Retail Ground, Parcel Select with Ground Advantage Summer 2

I usually use parcel select ground when weight hits 1 pound, it is much cheaper then priority at a pound, and if I'm paying shipping it is much cheaper for me to ship, I hope it won't be more expensive now.

Message 58 of 164
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Re: USPS to replace First Class Package, Retail Ground, Parcel Select with Ground Advantage Summer 2

I think this will be a good thing. Here is the shipping history of my last 5 packages:

CA to MO Parcel Select Ground 3 days

CA to AL    Parcel Select Ground 3 days

CA to LA    Parcel Select Ground 3 days

CA to WY  First Class Parcel 3 days

CA to CT   Parcel Select Ground 3 days

And when ground advantage rolls out, it will include insurance. 9 times out of 10 if a buyer is given an option of priority of parcel select ground, they choose parcel select ground.

Message 59 of 164
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Re: USPS to replace First Class Package, Retail Ground, Parcel Select with Ground Advantage Summer 2

@imapaqrat wrote:

Sorry . . . too many replies (now at 4 pages) to read through it all.


Is this change going to affect our eBay Shipping Policies that include the old shipping types?  Will I be required to manually change my eBay Shipping Policies?




Hey @imapaqrat. Most sellers will not have to update their biz policies based on service. The exception to that rule:


When a seller offers more than 1 of the 3 affected services (First Class, Retail Ground, Parcel Select) within the same business policy, they will have to update the policy and remove services so only 1 of the 3 is offered.


But if your biz policies offer only 1 of those services within a policy then eBay will automatically convert to Ground Advantage.


If you're interested in the longer explanation I can dig up those posts, but to keep it short and to the point, above info is bottom lining it for you.


That applies to services offered.


But if you're asking about rates, then obviously sellers using flat rates or free ship (instead of calculated) should evaluate the new price charts and make any necessary adjustments just as they would for any service or price change.

Message 60 of 164
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