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Community Activity

Sold a coat but buyer only wants the belt

Hi all, I just sold a coat, but the buyer left a note with their order requesting only the belt to be sent. Is it okay to fulfill this request, or could this lead to an INAD claim? This is the first time I’ve encountered this situation, so I want to ...

Suggestion Box: Repeat Buyers Thought for ebay.

While setting here processing orders and watching whom the buyers are(I like the "Repeat Buyer" tag)but maybe take it one step further...as I have a number of repeat buyers (one is at 24x's)..with that being said while considering developing a coupon...

To EBAY-stop allowing the offers on unwatched items.

Title says it all and I know I'm not the first to gripe. While I may look forward to offers on watched items the other is both annoying and time consuming to go through the decline process. If I don't watch it no offer is going to make me interested ...

If only I had known......

If only I knew, back then, what I know today. Who knew selling anything online would turn out to be like pulling teeth?! I could have gone to dental school instead of setting up an eBay account, etc. Instead of trying to please buyers, I would be try...

Ali Express Dropshipping

Hi all I tried Etsy but it isn't right for what I want to sell i.e. electronic stuff from Ali Express. On searching I'm getting conflicting answers as to whether I can use Ali Express to dropship i.e. getting an order and then purchasing the item and...

Death of a spouse

I am devastated, not only because my spouse is very near death, but because I was also told that I will have to start all over with a new ebay account . We have over 11000 feedbacks and have been selling on ebay since the year 2000. I even spoke with...

98.5 % of postal workers get to keep their jobs.

Getting tired of all the chicken littles clucking about 10,000 workers being laid off - out of a work force of 663,000 workers. That is 1.5% of the work force. And for that little number you're clutching your pearls? Seriously? Couple that with all t...


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