07-15-2023 10:35 AM
I sold an item and packed it, printed the label through eBay and put it in my mailbox with the flag up the same day. For two (2) days now the post office has delivered my main, in the same mailbox but not pick up my package. It only weighs 14 oz and has the new Post Office ground label. My post office closes at noon on Saturday but I don't get my mail until 1:00. The flag was still up and the package is still sitting there along with my mail that was delivered today. Any suggestions and is anyone else having this same problem?
07-15-2023 10:42 AM
This is a very localized issue. You need to talk to the Postmaster for your local Post Office. Did you request Carrier Pickup, or just leave the package in your box?
07-15-2023 10:56 AM
You may have already done this but just in case.... In order for USPS to pick up a package you will need to go online to USPS and schedule a pickup request. You will be asked specific information as to your address, pick up location etc. and you can arrange for a pickup date. Some USPS postal staff will not pick up a package from the mailbox unless a formal pickup request has been made. I also leave a note on the package that states, "outgoing mail" to make it easier for the post person to spot. Our current carrier will pick up the package even if I have not done a request - but some folks "work to the rules'. Recently, for us this system has been working great. Prior to that we had an experience with a specific postal employee who in my view deliberately failed to pick up packages - even to the extent to move my note and put mail in the box all the while ignoring the package scheduled for pick-up. This happened over 15 times - it took 6 months of crawling up the local and federal USPS chain of command to finally get this addressed. I feel this individual was an exception because before and after this problem was finally addressed our scheduled pick-up's have been perfect. Hope this helps.
07-15-2023 11:06 AM
They are supposed to pick up mail left in the box with the red flag up. They have even advertised that service on tv and other places. Here's the link. https://faq.usps.com/s/article/Outgoing-Mail-Pickup.
You can either, talk to your postal carrier, file a complaint online about mail being ignored for a few days, or schedule a pick up. It's best to do the pick up every day. You can schedule it months in advance. This way they have to pick it up and if they don't you have a package pick up number to refer to, should you decide to complain.
07-15-2023 11:20 AM
@gloryglorygifts wrote:They are supposed to pick up mail left in the box with the red flag up. They have even advertised that service on tv and other places. Here's the link.....
That USPS page discusses handing mail to the carrier, if you have left the flag up.
I wonder if the carrier who failed to take the package on the first day saw the package in the mailbox and mistakenly thought that it was a previously delivered package that had not been retrieved from the box by the recipient. If the carrier didn't take the package out of the mailbox and look at the label, they would have no way of knowing whether it was a past delivery or an outgoing package.
07-15-2023 11:28 AM
Wrong. I guess nobody is perfect. It clearly states in the last line " Letter carriers can pick up mail as they make their deliveries if the flag is up."
That's why I said they should talk to their carrier. The carrier may be new and not know that.
07-15-2023 11:49 AM
The full statement reads, "However, it is also considered collection service when customers hand their outgoing, prepaid mail to a carrier or other designated employee while that employee is performing normal delivery and collection duties. Letter carriers can pick up mail as they make their deliveries if the flag is up.
Outgoing mail may be handed to the letter carrier if:..."
I guess we have different interpretations of that text; to me it sounds like carrier picks up mail that is handed to them by the sender.
07-15-2023 02:15 PM
It's not up to interpretation.
07-15-2023 02:20 PM
Any suggestions and is anyone else having this same problem?
No... I am not having this problem but would certainly speak to my carrier about it.
07-15-2023 03:11 PM
Something new happen a while back where USPS employees can relocate where they are able to relocate and have a job waiting with moving expenses reimbursements. The flag thing and pick up might be new to them.
Here's a thought: have you ever might the person who delivers your mail? I actually know what day my mailman is off and every year I give him a Christmas gift. I think my mailman is one of the most important people in my life. Getting to know who delivers your mail and maybe pick it up should be a first priority.
07-15-2023 03:35 PM
I agree with you 100%, getting to know your carrier is a very important component. My regular carrier knows me, knows when I'm home, and has carried the day on those occasions when a high dollar ebay package needed to find it's way to my mailbox. My box is at the front door, and has no flag, so I've always just handed him anything I needed to go if I couldn't get to the post office. By contrast, I've had to chase down substitute carriers when they've misdelivered my packages to someone else in the neighborhood.
07-15-2023 04:40 PM
Go to your post office on Monday and speak with the supervisor. The person doing the rounds is NOT doing his /her job. They are supposed to pick up the mail inside the mailboxes. Perhaps they do NOT know that the G on the label is the new code for what was First class mail and they might think it's for UPS. Anyway, if this is what they believe too , they need to be re-trained because UPS can not use a mail box to deliver or pick up item. Mailboxes are only for USPS.
Make sure that you tip your carrier(s) this holiday. Mine will pick up a dead body if I put one out there. They are that good!
07-15-2023 04:42 PM
Have you considered taking the small package to the post office yourself?
07-15-2023 05:30 PM
It seems that you are not taking a direct approach to solving your problem. Communication is the key. Posting here will not fix your problem. Sure you will get many suggestions, but in the end, you still have to implement them. If you are having issues with X, communicate directly with X. And communicating with X is made so easy, with several options. Drive to your local PO, talk to your carrier, leave a note to your carrier, call your local PO, or go online(which you obviously are) and open a delivery issue ticket at the USPS website. You could have opened a ticket online in a fraction of the time it took you to post here. Just say'in.
07-15-2023 06:02 PM
Actually, I think that the OP is taking a direct approach by asking the board for suggestions. I would suspect that given the constructive feedback that has been offered that hopefully the problem will be addressed and resolved. You say that posting here will "not solve your problem" - however in my experience, I have posted questions and been helped by people here who are very patient and have been very generous with sharing their experience, suggestions and possible solutions. I'm not sure what you mean by " you could have opened a ticket online in a fraction of the time it took you to post here. Just say'in." Do you mean with USPS? I have found that your first suggestion - good communication is the best first option as navigation of the contact USPS and file a complaint online process is a slow boat to frustration as the answer / solution takes several days or more.