03-22-2019 01:09 PM
Tried to print out a label this morning through ebay. Unfortunately the go back to classic button is gone and I have to use the new shipping page. I put in the weight as being 16 oz because it is 15.3 and you cannot put 15.3 on the new page. On the old shipping page, putting 16 ounces in was then converted to 15.9 ounces. Ebay does not recognize 16 ounces as being first class on the new shipping page, will only let a priority label be purchased.
I had to go to PP and print the label to get the first class package rate. YES, 15.9 ounces is first class ebay! Will someone fix this soon? Hope I am calling an ebay person right.
03-25-2019 07:11 PM
03-25-2019 07:13 PM
03-25-2019 07:19 PM
03-25-2019 07:21 PM
@oaklandmaryland wrote:
Sadly you had to pay more as PayPal postage is higher then ebay shows
eBay and PayPal charge the same postage cost. The only exception is that TRS get a 3% discount from eBay for Priority Mail postage.
03-25-2019 07:37 PM
03-25-2019 07:44 PM
03-25-2019 08:04 PM
I was able to access the older version on one account. No issues, all fees were correct. However on other account, as of today there is no access to older version. Luckily, this item was only 12onz (had no issue with label fee) but as others posted upon typing 16onz it defaulted to priority. This is my fourth sold item on this account (all free shipping).
I have not tried the link, but will do so tomorrow to test any changes. Thank You.
03-26-2019 01:10 AM
03-26-2019 02:29 AM
@berserkerplanet wrote:
>>new format does not acknowledge regional shipping rates.
Yes it does. On both the "Custom size" and "USPS Packaging" tables.
16oz works fine for me in the new label flow - it changes it to 1lb 0oz and shows first class pkg option. (as pointed out by the others, any weight between 13 and 16 oz can be used as the tier price is the same)
Unless there is a new new label flow, and I'm stuck in the old new label flow, you have something else going on.
Try the bookmarklet (or the Redirector addon method) I posted here to get back to the classic page:
Thank you, I did find the regional rate.
No, it does not provide first class mail for me for 16 ounces. I cannot type in 15.9, only 15 and 16 converts to 1 lb which will only let me pick priority, parcel select, etc., no first class as you can see below.
03-26-2019 05:33 AM
Was the listing for that item set up to charge retail rates or online rates?
I checked a couple of your listings, and it looks like you charge USPS retail rates in your listings (your site setting is to NOT pass discounts to buyers.)
All of my listings are set up to pass discounts to buyers (online rates) and 16oz works fine for me.
My wild theory is that the failure may be only occurring when the listing the label is for charged retail rates.
Label flow sees 16oz, checks the wrong criteria, sees that the retail flag is set, decides anything over 13oz is invalid, bumps it to priority. Or some convoluted variant of that.
tyler@ebay @Anonymous
Various sellers are reporting that, starting recently, the new label flow will not generate labels for First Class Package with a 16 oz weight (15.99oz) - the flow bumps it to Priority and does not display the First Class Package option at all.
I think they have said that 15oz works fine, so it's not a simple "label flow sees retail flag, decides anything over 13oz is invalid". Appears to be more complicated and only does it for 16oz
I speculate, based on observation of these reports in various forums, specifically noting that dlsc126's listings are probably all retail rates, and that mine are online rates and I don't have this problem*, that it only happens when the source listing was set up for USPS retail (that may help the developers narrow down the problem)
*I haven't lost the "switch to classic label printing" link on my new label flow page, so it's possible the retail/online thing is a red herring, and that the difference is because the sellers having the problem have mostly IIRC also lost the link, may be on a new label flow v2 page that behaves differently than the new label flow page I get. (insufficient data to deduce that either)
03-26-2019 09:49 AM
Thanks for the tag @berserkerplanet - I've gotten this reported to the folks in charge of the new label page and am will keep the thread posted as I hear back. 🙂
03-26-2019 03:26 PM
@berserkerplanet wrote:
Was the listing for that item set up to charge retail rates or online rates?
I checked a couple of your listings, and it looks like you charge USPS retail rates in your listings (your site setting is to NOT pass discounts to buyers.)
All of my listings are set up to pass discounts to buyers (online rates) and 16oz works fine for me.
My wild theory is that the failure may be only occurring when the listing the label is for charged retail rates.
Label flow sees 16oz, checks the wrong criteria, sees that the retail flag is set, decides anything over 13oz is invalid, bumps it to priority. Or some convoluted variant of that.
tyler@ebay @Anonymous
Various sellers are reporting that, starting recently, the new label flow will not generate labels for First Class Package with a 16 oz weight (15.99oz) - the flow bumps it to Priority and does not display the First Class Package option at all.
I think they have said that 15oz works fine, so it's not a simple "label flow sees retail flag, decides anything over 13oz is invalid". Appears to be more complicated and only does it for 16oz
I speculate, based on observation of these reports in various forums, specifically noting that dlsc126's listings are probably all retail rates, and that mine are online rates and I don't have this problem*, that it only happens when the source listing was set up for USPS retail (that may help the developers narrow down the problem)
*I haven't lost the "switch to classic label printing" link on my new label flow page, so it's possible the retail/online thing is a red herring, and that the difference is because the sellers having the problem have mostly IIRC also lost the link, may be on a new label flow v2 page that behaves differently than the new label flow page I get. (insufficient data to deduce that either)
Hi @berserkerplanet, tyler@ebay and I have gotten an update I wanted to share. While the new label page does not currently support partial ounces, a seller can put in 15 ounces as the weight for anything up to 15.999 oz and USPS will still accept the package with no additional charge. We've confirmed this with USPS and definitely have partial ounces on our radar as an improvement to this tool.
03-26-2019 04:25 PM - edited 03-26-2019 04:26 PM
@Anonymous wrote: .... While the new label page does not currently support partial ounces, a seller can put in 15 ounces as the weight for anything up to 15.999 oz and USPS will still accept the package with no additional charge. We've confirmed this with USPS and definitely have partial ounces on our radar as an improvement to this tool.
We know that the postage price for 15 ounces is the same as for 15.999 ounces. The solution of just entering 15 ounces has been suggested and acknowledged several times during discussions of this issue.
But as some posters have already pointed out, the attitude and skills of local postal clerks vary tremendously. Inevitably there will be some who weigh that 15.5-ounce package, see that the seller has paid for only 15 ounces, and impose an upcharge that will probably be the full retail price for one pound via Priority Mail.It's only a matter of time.
IIRC, the "classic" form would allow sellers to enter 16 ounces, but would then print 15.999 ounces on the label. Surely the programmers can figure out how to do that on the new form, too and that would be easier than allowing sellers to enter fractional ounces.
03-26-2019 05:12 PM
a seller can put in 15 ounces as the weight for anything up to 15.999 oz and USPS will still accept the package with no additional charge.
This is what I like to refer to as a recipe for disaster.
eBay willing to put their money where their mouth is on this one and eat any additional charges a seller might face because of this poor upgrade?
03-26-2019 07:07 PM