01-25-2018 02:02 PM - edited 01-25-2018 02:06 PM
Would some one kindly explain in easy to follow directions how to generate a USPS Scan sheet for daily shipments.
Without using the bulk shipping option, please.
Numerous attempts to find directions or any info on printing USPS scan sheets through eBay help returned absolutely no results for me.
Can a seller with 4 sold items to ship create shipping labels individually then print a USPS scan sheet?
Many complaints from sellers here about post offices not scanning packages and late shipment dings.
Local post master told me Monday that scan sheets for shipment larger than 4 items per day may be required in the near future due to the continual increase in package processing. Too much employee time spent scanning and too many complaints from shippers about lack thereof.
Note to: trinton@ebay
Would ebay consider adding an easy way to produce a scan sheet (without launching bulk shipping) under the Paid & Shipped section in Seller Hub by allowing sellers to put a check mark next to the items a shipping label has already been created for, then clicking a link that would automatically produce the scan sheet for those items?
Thanks for any and all help!
04-01-2019 03:43 PM
Add me to the list of people who want to see cumulative SCAN sheets made available via eBay. Would be so very much appreciated by everyone!👍👍
04-01-2019 08:09 PM
thank you! this worked perfectly.
04-01-2019 09:10 PM
@rbos878 wrote:I finally figured it out. I was having trouble with my bulk shipping and getting error codes. There was no way to go back and grab the scan sheet. So here's what you do - go to your "sold orders" and click them all on. Next, under shipping action, click "print shipping labels or invoices". Click this next:
Purchase and print shipping labels
US Postage Service or FedEx shipping label
Don't repurchase the labels...Instead, look at the top right hand corner and you'll see this:
Just his SCAN FORMS and it will take you right where you need to be.
Don't worry - you aren't repurchasing the lables. This is will get you to the page where you can find the scans.
Just for the fun of it i tried this and it Doesn't work...just says I don't have any available scan forms to print, even though I clearly have items going out tomorrow.
04-24-2019 02:13 PM
after speaking with ebay, they can only offer it with the bulk label purchase, USPS will not allow them you do each individually, while you would think it would be easy to do, It is USPS that is not allowing it...
05-30-2019 02:14 PM
Anything yet on getting cumulative SCAN sheet option?
An end of day scan sheet with everything I've packaged (selectable) throughout the day would be the greatest thing to hit ebay since the PEZ dispenser.
06-01-2019 10:41 AM
06-25-2019 09:04 AM
I love the updated bulk shipping page but still want to print a scan sheet of orders not shipped through bulk shipping. eBay - please give us an update on this. It's a much needed thing!
07-04-2019 07:33 AM
Yes, what is the status?!
07-29-2019 08:07 PM
08-29-2019 06:42 AM
I call shenanigans on Ebay. If it is due to USPS, other shipping websites like Stamps.com wouldn't be able to do it either. But with Stamps, you can make labels throughout the day and make one scan sheet at the end for all of them.
08-29-2019 01:05 PM
@jabhill0313 wrote:I call shenanigans on Ebay. If it is due to USPS, other shipping websites like Stamps.com wouldn't be able to do it either. But with Stamps, you can make labels throughout the day and make one scan sheet at the end for all of them.
It's pretty common knowledge that ebay employees will say just about anything that comes to mind. Sometimes they might get lucky and be correct, but most of the time they are wrong.
Why would USPS not allow ebay to print scan sheets when it's their own workers who occasionally ask us for it?? Doesn't make sense...
09-16-2019 05:43 PM
Also doesn't make sense because we can in Bulk shipping, I would think it would be a simple thing to have it in the labels section and we can just check off the ones that we want a scan sheet for! This is a pain for sure...Either that or don't ding us if the Post office doesn't scan them within the time frame of mine don't get the first scan till around midnight, which tells you I did have them to the post office on time, but I still get a ding SMH
10-15-2019 09:47 AM
Thanks so much it worked for me!
10-15-2019 01:28 PM
I just had a guy at my PO tell me about the scan sheet. This is a brand new PO (bigger and better than the old one) and twice in the last 2 weeks I've had packages dropped off in their bin (not at the desk) take 2 days before they are even scanned at that PO before being sent 25 miles away to the regional hub.
Reading through this it looks like I'll have to bulk print labels all at the same time? If so, that's a real pain as this is my job now and I've been packaging and printing throughout the day to keep up.
10-21-2019 07:51 AM
Thanks for the idea, unfortunately the way it worked for me is nothing would generate unless I bought the labels again. Lesson learned to go slower - UGH!