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Macros - pain points

Hello devon@ebay ! I have another enhancement request for Community. Improvement to Photos is still at the top of my list, but this might tie it.


Macros are filled in and sorted by number 1-100. I have a lot of frequently used macros and it takes me a long time to scroll up and down the list looking for them.


I want macros to sort alphabetically by title. Can you ask Khoros if they offer this option? It's so inefficient to not have an alphabetical sort. I don't want to insult any Khoros designers/developers, but really this is a no-brainer. It should already exist.

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Re: Macros - pain points


 I agree with you that alpha is handy: Mine are in approximately alpha order because that's how I set them up -- I deliberately put "Variations" and "Void" near the bottom of the 100 boxes, etc.

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Re: Macros - pain points

Yeah, I did manually move a few around and put some of the more frequently used ones at the top, but I have a lot and keep adding more. It's very time consuming to copy/paste and reorder. I gave up on that.

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Re: Macros - pain points

By the way, I didn't miss your point about leaving fields blank. I did that in the beginning but the spacing didn't work out in the end as the number grew. Even after I went in and deleted old ones that were no longer relevant. At this point it's either delete all the info and start from scratch or ask for an alphabetical sort.


I don't even care if they're sorted on the macro page because I can use ctrl+F to locate a policy and make edits.


I just want them sorted alphabetically on this (post creation/edit) window drop-down menu.

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Re: Macros - pain points

@wastingtime101 wrote:

Hello devon@ebay ! I have another enhancement request for Community. Improvement to Photos is still at the top of my list, but this might tie it.


Macros are filled in and sorted by number 1-100. I have a lot of frequently used macros and it takes me a long time to scroll up and down the list looking for them.


I want macros to sort alphabetically by title. Can you ask Khoros if they offer this option? It's so inefficient to not have an alphabetical sort. I don't want to insult any Khoros designers/developers, but really this is a no-brainer. It should already exist.

Hey @wastingtime101! I can make sure to ask Khoros the next time we meet with them!  

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Re: Macros - pain points

Hi devon@ebay . What did Khoros say about this?


Reminder: I don't care if the Macros settings page is alphabetized. I would like the Macros button in the post edit/compose tool bar to be alphabetized.

Message 6 of 8
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Re: Macros - pain points

@wastingtime101 wrote:

Hi devon@ebay . What did Khoros say about this?


Reminder: I don't care if the Macros settings page is alphabetized. I would like the Macros button in the post edit/compose tool bar to be alphabetized.

Hey @wastingtime101! When I brought this up to them they said currently do not have it built in to sort Macros alphabetically. I also asked if that is something that could be looked into but there is no timeline for if and when that could be integrated.  

Message 7 of 8
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Re: Macros - pain points

Hi devon@ebay . More feedback on macros:


When you edit macros and hit the save button, if there's an HTML error with a macro you'll get an error message. Problem is, there is no indicator of which macro ran into the error, so if you're adding/editing more than one macro at a time you have no idea which one is the problem child. Request is for Khoros to add an indicator, like a red outline around the box of the macro(s) with the error.


I've been meaning to bring this up for a while, and when I was helping someone set up their macros today I was reminded.

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