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what would you do if the USPS closes down?

24 hours ago I would have said, "huh, couldn't happen" but now who knows? If the authorities think the virus could live on the mail? 


For myself I always have a backlog of listing and inventory work that doesn't get done. But that would last at the outside a few or several days depending on how long I quake under the bedsheets. Always work in the garden though. Plus books to read. I have at least 100 of those.


My son (restaurant worker) just had his hours cut way back, so for him that means playing even more Pokemon Go unless they want everyone to go into quaranteen.

Message 1 of 93
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what would you do if the USPS closes down?

I would stop shipping via USPS.


Kinda reminds me of when i send my wife in to the market to pick up a half gallon of milk.  Then she calls me from inside and says "they're out of milk". So i say "then don't buy any".  😃

Papa Was A Rolling Stone - The Temptations
Message 2 of 93
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what would you do if the USPS closes down?

I would shut down my Ebay store and then reach for that unopened bottle of Tequila that has been sitting around for  20 years now, or at least since the Y2K scare where I bought one bottle to celebrate the new millennium and the other bottle in case the lights did go out.

Message 3 of 93
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what would you do if the USPS closes down?

It could happen.  I saw it mentioned yesterday for the first time and I spend about 3 hours each day reading various sources on this virus.  It sounds like you feel slightly sick the first week, but could feel very sick the second week.  You might want to self-quarantine the 3rd week, so we are talking 21 days total.  As far as mail, I've started using a scissor/mail opener to open envelopes.  Some people are still stupid enough to lick envelopes.  I think I will also start quarantining my mail by picking it up with gloves or a paper towel and letting it sit for 3 days before opening it.   All this may be moot for me, as I woke up sick this morning, exactly 5 days after flying from Phoenix to Detroit.  

Message 4 of 93
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what would you do if the USPS closes down?

Re: what would you do if the USPS closes down?


I would immediately take all my listings down.

Message 5 of 93
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what would you do if the USPS closes down?

I would put my store on vacation and block all my listings from purchase.



Message 6 of 93
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what would you do if the USPS closes down?

@keziak   I would buy a delivery truck and start making money on the side ... a lot of money ...

Mr. Lincoln - Community Mentor
Message 7 of 93
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what would you do if the USPS closes down?

We already know viruses and bacteria live on mail, along with everything else.


There is no reason to think mail service will shut down.

Message 8 of 93
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what would you do if the USPS closes down?

It might shut down if enough employees get sick, or to prevent them from being exposed to various sick customers.  The flu of 1918 reached remote villages via sick postal carriers, but that was back when there was far less insight into prevention strategies (i.e., maintain personal distance, and set the stuff aside for a day or two and wash your hands).

Message 9 of 93
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what would you do if the USPS closes down?

@mcdougle4248 wrote:

I would put my store on vacation and block all my listings from purchase.





^^^^ DITTO ^^^^

Message 10 of 93
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what would you do if the USPS closes down?

From an article on


"The study found that viable virus could be detected up to three hours later in the air, up to four hours on copper, up to 24 hours on cardboard and up to two to three days on plastic and stainless steel."


If the USPS shuts down, we have much bigger problems than the USPS shutting down. I think it's counterproductive to engage in hypotheticals like this. We should be dealing with what we know, based on facts, not imagination based on our fears.

Message 11 of 93
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what would you do if the USPS closes down?

Please don't post things like this when not true.  It only creates more panic during this time for all. Ridiculous. There has been no mention of the USPS shutting down and never would be.

Message 12 of 93
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what would you do if the USPS closes down?

"It might shut down if enough employees get sick, or to prevent them from being exposed to various sick customers. The flu of 1918 reached remote villages via sick postal carriers, but that was back when there was far less insight into prevention strategies (i.e., maintain personal distance, and set the stuff aside for a day or two and wash your hands)."

There was an account I read about one such town who had a very intelligent mayor. He slapped a quarantine on everyone there, no one in and no one out. He also had the mail set aside for a certain number of days as well as food deliveries. According to the account they all lived through the outbreak.

The scary thing about the 1918 'flu' is that it came in three waves, 1st one mild-ish, the second killed approx 50 million worldwide, and the 3rd was mild again and it burned itself out.
Message 13 of 93
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what would you do if the USPS closes down?

Be careful what you wish for. It's not a good idea to be putting negative idea's into people's minds. 

Message 14 of 93
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what would you do if the USPS closes down?

Id go fishing until people put on their big boy panties.
Message 15 of 93
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