11-25-2024 06:13 AM
it used to be not so bad until this new system came into place it used to be i could search my inbox for "
offer" and select all the messages at once however this new system only allows the searching of members messages and not ebay and it grabs all the messages at once i don't want to search archived messages just whats in my inbox currently...
we need an option to turn off messages about offers / pending offers having 56 new messages just from friday night to monday morning is ridiculous especially with no easy way to remove them all at once with out possibly taking out important messages along side them ie payout messages / messages about any open cases ...etc why isn't there an option to turn these things off i can already see the offers in my seller hub all at once i don't need individual messages about every single offer and if i don't respond quickly enough a second message about the same offer
i don't want to turn off offers as that's the main way we sell our items is through accepting offers i just don't want the messages about every single offer clogging up my inbox with SPAM if we don't get the option to turn these off at least give us the old functionality of the search bar these "improvements" are actually making the seller experience worse not better...
11-25-2024 06:39 AM
You may want to check to see if your "Send Automated Messages" or Allow Offers" is on in your "Send Offers" tab. This recently happened to me. It suddenly turned on by default and I was inundated.
11-25-2024 08:38 AM
we have offers turned on and that's how we primarily sell items that way we can make sure that we are getting the best price someone's willing to offer. my point is i don't need to come back from the weekend of being away to 57 messages that are no longer able to be searched by doing "offer" and clicking delete on especially when we have this on the seller hub that shows all the offers per item
12-02-2024 11:38 AM
42 messages in 3 hours!!!! no way to filter this is madness!
12-02-2024 12:05 PM
The world works in mysterious ways. This is eBay's attempt to do away with the or Best Offer option.
12-03-2024 05:25 AM - edited 12-03-2024 05:25 AM
if they get rid of best offer i can guarantee that their sales will tank HARD! almost all of our sales come from best offer even with a competitive price which is why we need the option to turn off the messages / able to filter ebay messages with the search option like the old messaging system allowed for! i'm sure we're not the only ones but also this is just the last 31 days