10-28-2020 11:46 AM
Hey all... been MIA for almost a month on the boards mainly because I have a new kid. Still been working/selling behind the shadows from home... only to come back to a slew of business issues (MP, inventory, USPS delays, etc.) So it's bittersweet that I'm back (although not entirely back). Glad I have a bit of time to check the boards though.
Anyway, so anyone have tips to reply to this buyer (mentioned in the title)? Buyer claims INR (no INR filed yet)... classic tracking shows delivered. I use my usual "check with neighbors, local PO, etc" reply. Buyer replies with that gem shown above. Contemplating BBLing this guy but I haven't replied to him yet.
10-28-2020 11:48 AM
Did the buyer request signature confirmation at delivery?
10-28-2020 11:51 AM
BBL is the 1st step. (ID can be removed later if you choose.)
10-28-2020 11:51 AM - edited 10-28-2020 11:53 AM
@blu_owlie has a great response. If the buyer wants that specific... did he/she request it? If so... then you missed that request and didn't add for that in your shipping charge.
10-28-2020 11:58 AM
Do they have animals loose on their property? Is their mail box on their property and does their mail person bring everything to the door and had it to them?
Not a person I would prefer for a client.
10-28-2020 11:59 AM
@blu_owlie wrote:Did the buyer request signature confirmation at delivery?
Nope. Actually the first message the buyer sent me was something like "tracking confirms it delivered to me, but didn't confirm I received it. When did confirmation of receipt go away?"
I asked them what they meant by "confirmation of receipt"... and if they meant signature confirmation. He chose to ignore that question and replied with what I have in the title of this thread.
10-28-2020 12:03 PM
You are obligated to ship the item to the buyers address.
It seems you fulfilled that obligation.
Congratulations and welcome back!
10-28-2020 12:04 PM
Welcome back---I can't imagine how busy you and your family are and congrats on the new baby.
You might ask your buyer to check with the post office for their GPS location of delivery?
10-28-2020 12:06 PM
Congratulations.........what flavor? Had been wondering where you got to. Not much you can do with your "gem", except to suggest he file a "not received" claim with Ebay...... He will lose, but perhaps they will give him money back on their dime....... "perhaps in the future, before you pay, you request that your purchase be mailed with signature required"....... all I can think of......
10-28-2020 12:08 PM - edited 10-28-2020 12:09 PM
Just tell them that ebay requires confirmation for items $750 or over. There is no requirement on ebay for confirmation on anything less for any reason. Should they wish to have it, they should request it of the seller prior to purchase and pay for it at time of purchase.
10-28-2020 12:08 PM
If you really had the time you could spend a couple hours with USPS and have them track the GPS coordinate it was dropped of at. Though that does seem highly unnecessary in most cases. You could also remind them you are only obligated to deliver said item. They are responsible for providing a safe and secure place for the package to be dropped off. They seem to be side stepping any liability for delivery. Hence ignoring Signature confirmation question.
Hope it works out well in the end. This year has been the year of messes for online shopping and selling.
10-28-2020 12:08 PM
Most scanners now will show the exact location where the package was delivered, down to within a few feet, to the USPs can tell whether it was misdelivered to the right house number on the wrong street, etc. However, in this case with a hostile buyer, there's a possibility that knowing the location information could just make things worse.
10-28-2020 12:13 PM - edited 10-28-2020 12:13 PM
That's a tricky one -- trying to find a polite way to reply, "No, you are just imagining that I am obligated to ensure that the item is in your hands."
Sometimes with a hostile or irrational buyer the best strategy is to come up with a brief, neutral response and just use the exact same comment all the time until they give up. In this case, that might be something like, "The tracking shows that the package was delivered to your address."
As you know, if they do file an INR claim you will almost certainly win the case because you have a delivery scan. So your main goal now is to avoid getting negative feedback. Or, second choice, get him to threaten to leave a negative so if he does you can point to the threat and get it removed.
Definitely put him on your BBL immediately. That will have no effect on the current transaction nor on communication related to it.
10-28-2020 12:13 PM
This loon sounds like another family member took it.
10-28-2020 12:18 PM
Request and did not pay for is not acceptable, should have send a message before buying.
Same like requesting express 24 hour delivery and not paying for it.