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quit complaining

ebay is a business.  complaining about the business/fees/traffic will get you no where.  you either factor the cost of selling into your business or go sell somewhere else.  it is like buying a shirt, you can buy one at walmart or buy one at saks.  you get what you pay for.    how hard you work at building YOUR business if up to you not ebay.  ebay drives the biggest traffic.  but please, stop using this forum to complain about your sales.  look at what you are doing not what ebay is doing.  ebay is not perfect as nothing in this world is perfect.  

Message 1 of 48
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Re: quit complaining

@rugerskick wrote:

You can always stop coming to these community boards. 

The boards are actually not here for just complainers. They boards are actually here for people with problems who need help. If you only want complainers maybe these boards are not for you.

Message 31 of 48
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Re: quit complaining

This would sure be a boring place if people didn't come here to complain.  

Have a great weekend everybody!   

Make lots of sales!  😃

Telephone Line - Electric Light Orchestra
Message 32 of 48
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Re: quit complaining

Completely agree, just take a look at the stores of the sellers that come on here and complain about sales/traffic and blame eBay. They are selling garbage, don't put in any effort, have 1 single blurry photo, no description, no returns etc... Then they expect eBay to give them all of the traffic. Why should eBay reward you with traffic when you won't even put the effort in? Do part time work, get part time pay.

Message 33 of 48
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Re: quit complaining

Wrong!  I do not sell garbage & I've had a rotten week & rotten year!  I cannot even sell brand new baseball t-shirts by the case, during baseball season, for $2.00 per shirt - shipping included.  Eventually pulled them down.  Do not assume every seller is the same.

Message 34 of 48
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Re: quit complaining

I see you still have your garbage even at 80% off. Seems like you do a lot of work for $50.00 a month. Is this why your so miserable towards other sellers?

Message 35 of 48
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Re: quit complaining

Sometimes you have to come to the boards to find out how much eBay has deteriorated since 'the good ole days' when I could do a search with 3 keywords and I would get the expected 15 or 20 items.  Now I get closer to 200+ items, most of which do not have all 3 keywords in the title.  (actually most only have 1 of the 3) when it took 5 minutes to enter an item, unlike today when it can take an hour to fill in information that keeps disappearing......


Sometimes, the hope is if enough people complain, something will be done.  Even when you know in you heart eBay doesn't listen....


Other times...people complain and are offered help....or seek acknowledgement that we are all people.

OP read inhawaii's tag line.....there you will find the spirit of the people on these boards.

Message 36 of 48
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Re: quit complaining

@wereskrull wrote:

"quit complaining" .. "make me".


Wow. You really needed help with that?

You need to learn to read. 

@wereskrull , @allthingssurplus 


Just followed this short series of posts, this is a common misunderstanding on The Community ... I saw the first "Make me", read who the reply was too and realized they didn't jibe so I let it go.  I've had it happen to me where a member posts a reply to one of my posts but unrelated to anything I previously said ... most of the time I don't bother posting about it since other members can figure it out.  Trust me, it's not worth an argument over ... 




Mr. L


Mr. Lincoln - Community Mentor
Message 37 of 48
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Re: quit complaining

@manutdfufu wrote:


Hi @manutdfufu 


Unfortunately, none of us get paid to post here on The Community.  It would be nice if we did ... but we don't.




Mr. L


Mr. Lincoln - Community Mentor
Message 38 of 48
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Re: quit complaining

No one comes here to brag about their wonderful sales. This is where folks come to complain.

Message 39 of 48
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Re: quit complaining

yes indeed 

Message 40 of 48
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Re: quit complaining

@harborauction wrote:

TWENTY FOUR YEARS TODAY and I have no complaints other that the fact that I have received no ebay swag for being a loyal customer for 2.4 decades, they used to do that kind of stuff way back when but I won't hold my breath, maybe the mail is just late?


Yes, I'm with ya OP all the whining & moaning can get tiresome but it will never cease. Many come to ebay unprepared with no selling or customer service skills at all and fumble the ball pretty quickly then blame ebay for their ongoing problems


As the OP said ebay isn't perfect but what is?

@harborauction   Actually, some of the complaints are justified and the venue is actually providing the data and analytics to support those feelings.  This is from earlier this year and was around when sales just sort of tanked.  An 80.5% drop in impressions ... that is way out of the norm.


                                   Screenshot (3566).png

For myself I love selling on eBay but the operative word is "Selling" and growth goes along with that.  There has been no growth this year to speak of.  The ups and downs have not been normal and that sentiment has been voiced by experienced Sellers, not just new members who are in the middle of trying to "figure it out".  



Mr. Lincoln - Community Mentor
Message 41 of 48
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Re: quit complaining

Yea eBay has its good side but there are areas for improvement too.  

Message 42 of 48
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Re: quit complaining

No not garbage, just old inventory/bad buys that are on clearance. I'm not in the business of storage, I'm in the business in turning my inventory as quickly as possible while maintaining a profit. This is part of my markdown and how I move items out of my store.


I work about 22 hours a week and make much more than $50.00 a month lol. Here are my stats for July & August if your curious how my garbage is doing... Don't forget about the other 1000 items that are my newer-better inventory that I make all of my money on and just because stuff is marked down like that doesn't exactly mean it's garbage lol, I'm not trying to get all of the money all of the time. Fast nickle beats the slow dime every time. Now that I'm sourcing much better inventory than I was at the beginning of this year, it's only going to go up for here. Good luck.August Sales today.pngJuly Sales today.png

Message 43 of 48
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Re: quit complaining

@laststopgeneralstore   WROTE:


" ... I'm in the business of turning my inventory as quickly as possible while maintaining a profit. ..."


BINGO @laststopgeneralstore  ... and more that turns over the more inventory can be acquired and if all that is done steadily there is growth ...

Sell through rate is one of the key factors in growing and maintaining an internet business, be it on eBay or elsewhere.  When Sellers do everything right but the venue fails them that is when things become frustrating and sales fall off with a negative affect on net profit.

I think historically with ONE major change on eBay things have recovered a whole lot quicker than they are right now with ALL the various changes made in the last 8-10 months.

eBay is definitely moving towards increasing their revenue through promotion fees opposed to just living off the FVFs from normal sales.  Recently they sent out invitations to certain accounts offering a $ 500 Ad Fee credit for Sellers who accept the invitation and run a PLS Standard campaign from Aug 10 through Sept 8 ... THAT is a lot of free advertising let me tell you.  So they are spending their money promoting a promotion so you can bet all or most of those who participate will see success with the Campaign ... that way they will be more apt to do more PLS Campaigns in the future ...



Mr. Lincoln - Community Mentor
Message 44 of 48
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Re: quit complaining

LOL, anyone in this business knows that those numbers mean nothing, without your payout for each individual product and your expenses on each individual item these numbers are bloated. Good try though.

Message 45 of 48
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