08-19-2022 08:28 AM
ebay is a business. complaining about the business/fees/traffic will get you no where. you either factor the cost of selling into your business or go sell somewhere else. it is like buying a shirt, you can buy one at walmart or buy one at saks. you get what you pay for. how hard you work at building YOUR business if up to you not ebay. ebay drives the biggest traffic. but please, stop using this forum to complain about your sales. look at what you are doing not what ebay is doing. ebay is not perfect as nothing in this world is perfect.
08-20-2022 09:14 AM
Looks to me this seller is doing good business in a highly competitive market I wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole, good for them
Picking at their numbers is irrelevant
08-20-2022 09:47 AM
If you like, I can crunch all my numbers for you. But my margin is on average 45% pre-tax and other than my storage unit, poly bags, shipping labels and tape, and some boxes I buy, my expenses are extremely low. I currently list 450 items per month and my cogs is very low but they will be going up next month as Im starting to spend more on better inventory thus making more money.
if all your gonna do is find the negative in every little thing then you’ll never succeed, that’s a horrible mindset/attitude to have. You can say all you want but I work 50% less than I used to at a job and make more than double what I used to and I essentially get a raise every 90 or so days as traffic and sales slowly increase.
08-20-2022 01:21 PM
You do have freedom of speech. And others also have the freedom of speech to tell you to stop complaining. See how that works?