08-19-2022 08:28 AM
ebay is a business. complaining about the business/fees/traffic will get you no where. you either factor the cost of selling into your business or go sell somewhere else. it is like buying a shirt, you can buy one at walmart or buy one at saks. you get what you pay for. how hard you work at building YOUR business if up to you not ebay. ebay drives the biggest traffic. but please, stop using this forum to complain about your sales. look at what you are doing not what ebay is doing. ebay is not perfect as nothing in this world is perfect.
08-19-2022 08:30 AM
Quit complaining about people complaining. You are not required to click on every post, or even come to the forums at all.
08-19-2022 08:39 AM
Sellers pay for a store or fees or both and whatever it is they pay for the right to as you call complain. That also goes for the buyers. So stop complaining!
08-19-2022 08:40 AM
OP has a point though. There are tons of people that post to complain that employ far less logic.
08-19-2022 08:42 AM
But they pay to complain. That gives them all the right to. If a customer isn't happy they complain.
08-19-2022 08:50 AM
When sales go down, most want to blame someone else for it. Selling for years now and know there is an ebb and flow to it. Complaining... ok, saying... "I'm leaving eBay and you should to" or "eBay is over" is annoying and a waste of time. The economy is tough, it is summer. There are fees to use eBay, without it there would be no sales. Agree with you @mrgoodlite
08-19-2022 08:53 AM
@domin-tomas wrote:But they pay to complain. That gives them all the right to. If a customer isn't happy they complain.
If you're going to complain, at least make sense, that's all I'm saying. I never said they didn't have a right to complain in my post.
08-19-2022 08:56 AM
i do read the seller forum just to see if someone has thought of or tried something i have not and to see if there is pertinent news of use to sellers
08-19-2022 09:13 AM
I thought about you the other day. Did you see the post a week or so ago where a seller was complaining about getting their listing for bubble lights removed by ebay as a banned item? It made me wonder about trying to sell them now, but I see you are still doing fine with them.
08-19-2022 10:01 AM
"You get what you pay for." Exactly! If I don't feel I get what I'm paying for, I'll complain! Happy now?
08-19-2022 10:04 AM
The forums are a great way for users to "Vent" their frustrations and / or possibly get some positive feedback from their piers. (similar what you just posted) Most users are not full time sellers and may not be able to articulate their problems or issues properly. Its not a requirement to respond or add your 2 cents but everyone is entitled to. I don't mind the venting posts and everyday try to help users understand the process a little better.
Complaining on other users posts. (different angle)
Leaving a negative impression on someone else's post has no purpose in my opinion. Typically it is an emotional response or ego driven. Pay it forward or move on. Just my opinion. It is interesting when some that negatively post on others (posts) also have made their own posts with similar complaints that completely contradicts themselves. It is what it is as they say. (not talking about your post)
I found the majority of the users posting on the boards are helpful, empathetic and tend to offer ideas and / or solutions from their experience.
My hat is off to you with over 30,000 transactions with great feedback! That is not an easy task and the amount of experience must be staggering.
08-19-2022 10:09 AM
@mrgoodlite wrote:ebay is a business. complaining about the business/fees/traffic will get you no where. you either factor the cost of selling into your business or go sell somewhere else. it is like buying a shirt, you can buy one at walmart or buy one at saks. you get what you pay for. how hard you work at building YOUR business if up to you not ebay. ebay drives the biggest traffic. but please, stop using this forum to complain about your sales. look at what you are doing not what ebay is doing. ebay is not perfect as nothing in this world is perfect.
@mrgoodlite Good post and good topic ... my only issue, and I think what a lot of Sellers are complaining about, is the fact that this year eBay has NOT been driving the biggest traffic. And to another of the points ... for most of what I sell eBay gets first whack at helping me with that. Sadly, this year I have had to move more inventory to "elsewhere" then I have in the past.
08-19-2022 01:21 PM
@natoman777 wrote:When sales go down, most want to blame someone else for it. Selling for years now and know there is an ebb and flow to it.
And 99% of the time it's no one's fault. I work B&M retail and we have dead periods there too-- it's just the way selling goes.
08-19-2022 02:17 PM
Bad comparison with the shirt. We pay fees to have a platform work for our betterment not the betterment of eBay. They have an obligation to provide a working service. Most programs and the mechanics of this platform are a mess needing attention. So the shirt thing is like going to big Mac and ordering a hamburger receiving it and it has no meat patty. Does big Mac say well we are working on that and sometime in the distant future we might be able to supply the patty as well, for now enjoy. You think we live for eBay not the case we pay eBay wages.
08-19-2022 02:22 PM
Make me.