02-16-2024 06:27 PM
Hi, I'm a long time buyer and seller. I've been on ebay forever.
There is a seller who i've purchased from over the years. Nothing extraordinary about any of the transactions. I always pay promptly .
About 6 months ago , i attempted to bid on an item and I got a message that said that i'm can't bid on that sellers items.
I know i've never returned anything , and certainly haven't been a bad buyer ever. At the time, i figured it was just an ebay glitch. I forgot about it totally.
Just now, i did a search and found an item I wanted to bid on. I recognized the seller and went to make a bid. Im getting the same message.
I believe i dropped the seller a message when this first occurred. Never heard back.
I just sent another message.
This is a large , busy seller with over 100,000 sold items. So i'm wondering if anyone even checks the email.
Does anyone have any idea how this could have happened? what can i do about it if the seller isn't responding. It's kind of a bummer that i'm not able to bid on the item.
02-16-2024 06:30 PM
02-16-2024 06:36 PM
Some sellers can be strange sometimes. Not knowing what the problem is can be something so simple or complicated. We don't know what happened. Something like asking a question or two about an item can get you blocked. Or asking questions about where is my item...I don't have it yet. Just will have to look elsewhere to find the item.
02-16-2024 06:58 PM
They blocked your account from buying from them. They may have also set their options to block emails from your account as well, so that could be why no replies are returned.
02-16-2024 07:47 PM
@wastingtime101 wrote:eBay made changes in 2023. If a buyer is on a seller's blocked list the seller will never see that buyer's messages. eBay lets the buyer think the message goes through and the seller has no idea a message was ever sent.
I don't really like that... I want to review all messages I receive (and actively block messages from anyone who's messages I want to no longer see... that won't happen, I just don't read them).
Kinda makes me wonder how many blocked people have messaged me about being blocked... if I got those messages I could be forewarned if they create a new account to buy the item. But not seeing the message I would never know a blocked bidder was interested in it.
I also don't like the buyer requirements only show buyers who are blocked by settings and not attempts to bid/buy from a blocked buyer from your BBL. I think as a seller it's my right to see who's blocked and attempting to buy my items or message me. (And pending on the situation I might consider revising the BBL, if whatever caused them to be blocked is something that can be worked out...)
02-16-2024 08:03 PM
My experience with huge sellers is that some have turn-key systems they don't quite understand and not enough due diligence. You may have gotten onto the block list instead of another buyer who was supposed to.
02-16-2024 08:15 PM
@sin-n-dex wrote:
@wastingtime101 wrote:eBay made changes in 2023. If a buyer is on a seller's blocked list the seller will never see that buyer's messages. eBay lets the buyer think the message goes through and the seller has no idea a message was ever sent.
I don't really like that... I want to review all messages I receive (and actively block messages from anyone who's messages I want to no longer see... that won't happen, I just don't read them).
Welcome to the club @sin-n-dex ! There's a discussion here (link) where we've been discussing the issue and tagging Kyle from the eBay team when use cases come up for him to pass on. I'm hoping if enough sellers get involved eBay will reverse course on that change, so please hop on to that thread and tag Kyle with your thoughts. 🙂
02-17-2024 01:07 AM
thanks for this info. This is kinda what i thought may have happened.
And now it makes sense why I haven't gotten a response.. I didn't realize ebay was not sending messages through to sellers .
Oh well, I don't neeeeeeeed the item. I buy too many things anyway.
thanks for everyone's comments.
02-17-2024 03:15 AM
When I get a question for a potential buyer the first thing I do is check their feedback score. If it's unusually low I block them and move on.
02-17-2024 12:47 PM
@wastingtime101 wrote:
@sin-n-dex wrote:
@wastingtime101 wrote:eBay made changes in 2023. If a buyer is on a seller's blocked list the seller will never see that buyer's messages. eBay lets the buyer think the message goes through and the seller has no idea a message was ever sent.
I don't really like that... I want to review all messages I receive (and actively block messages from anyone who's messages I want to no longer see... that won't happen, I just don't read them).
Welcome to the club @sin-n-dex ! There's a discussion here (link) where we've been discussing the issue and tagging Kyle from the eBay team when use cases come up for him to pass on. I'm hoping if enough sellers get involved eBay will reverse course on that change, so please hop on to that thread and tag Kyle with your thoughts. 🙂
Thanks for the link. I'll pop on over there now... (only have internet for a couple more days).
Basically I like the idea of being forewarned when a blocked bidder is trying to contact me. If they think I can see their messages and that I'm ignoring them, I don't see that as a good thing. (Kinda like when my phone wasn't syncing and I got a rant from someone for ignoring a message that they sent me hours ago).
eBay should at least tell the BBL bidder that their messages are not going through. It's not like they can't figure out they've been blocked when they try to buy.
02-17-2024 01:24 PM
Have you returned items or "upset" any other sellers?
I know I had a buyer who couldn't understand why they were blocked as they had not bought anything from me before.
The truth was they had not bought anything from that id before but on another id of mine they were trouble. And my block lists are kept up to date from id to id.
I took the easy way out and just said sorry you can't buy anything it must be an eBay glitch
02-17-2024 02:24 PM
@toysaver wrote:When I get a question for a potential buyer the first thing I do is check their feedback score. If it's unusually low I block them and move on.
I know that we sell completely different items but I just want to give a great big THANK YOU!! to all sellers who block new ebay buyers, while I am at it also thank you to all of the sellers who only sell to 48 states.