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eBay thinks my stuff is overpriced.

Drop the Price
to Make the Sale

Lower the price by 5% on items on shoppers’ Watch Lists,
then we’ll email them to say the deals got even better.




Message 1 of 19
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Re: eBay thinks my stuff is overpriced.

I get those messages all the time - you can ignore them or try it out. I've dropped a price and have had the item sell - others just sit. It's just another way to try and increase sales for sellers - they aren't saying your items are over priced - just if you have some leeway figured in - a buyer may be interested if you dropped the price 5%.

Message 2 of 19
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Re: eBay thinks my stuff is overpriced.

They think all of our stuff is overpriced.  Best regards

Message 3 of 19
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Re: eBay thinks my stuff is overpriced.

I would ignore those messages.  It is quite easy for eBay to suggest things when they have no skin in the game.  Frankly, I could suggest that you give away all that you own and minister to the poor, but if I wasn't willing to do the same I wouldn't take my suggestion seriously.

"It is an intelligent man that is aware of his own ignorance."
Message 4 of 19
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Re: eBay thinks my stuff is overpriced.

Yep... those messages come through every Sunday night/Monday morning, one for items in carts and one for items on watch lists. Half of the time, I get them on items that have best offer on them. Whoever is watching or has it in their carts can already offer less. Sellers watch competitors items, and when the competition lowers their price, it just fuels a race to the bottom with pricing.

Message 5 of 19
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Re: eBay thinks my stuff is overpriced.

Here's four things I think are overpriced:


1. Ebay stock

2. Ebay stores

3. Ebay shipping supplies

4. Devin Wenig

Message 6 of 19
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Re: eBay thinks my stuff is overpriced.

You are not alone.  That is standard.

Message 7 of 19
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Re: eBay thinks my stuff is overpriced.

Smiley Surprised

Message 8 of 19
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Re: eBay thinks my stuff is overpriced.

Where does it say they think your items are overpriced?


They are suggesting that a lower price may make a sale, there is a difference. 

Message 9 of 19
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Re: eBay thinks my stuff is overpriced.

Try increasing, those watching will think it might increase again, it does work sometimes.

Message 10 of 19
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Re: eBay thinks my stuff is overpriced.

Re: eBay thinks my stuff is overpriced.

That ad is a thing of beauty and needs to go viral LOL.

"There`s always barber college" - Dalton - Road House
Message 12 of 19
latest reply

Re: eBay thinks my stuff is overpriced.

Thanks! The listing has since been removed by eBay. Rightly so, since it violated some policies.


I've been irrated with the lack of response from eBay on this auto best offer experiment. I wouldn't mind a "suggestion" to add best offer, but changing my listing in the middle of the night without my consent is inappropriate. I have been contacting eBay every morning when a listing has been modified. I explained by displeasure for their actions and asked for a way to "opt out". After 4 calls and a supervisor conversation I asked for compensation from eBay for the irritation they have caused me. Before I hung up eBay credited me with $27.95 for my December 2018 store subscription. The modifications stopped...for a while.


I got frustrated and created the eBay flying disc listing as therapy, then poked the bear in the eye yesterday. Using the share feature on the eBay Android App I shared the flying disc listing with CEO Devin Wenig's email address with the title Look at this on eBay. Apparently Mr. Wenig viewed the email and forwarded a copy to an assistant. Within the hour I received a phone call from assistant Dan wondering "What were my issues?" After our hour-long conversation he seemed to understand some of the frustrations of eBay from the viewpoint of a small seller that has been a member for 15 years. I thanked him for listening and hoped that he would take some of what I said to heart.


Later last night two more of my collectibles listings had best offer added. I made my daily call to eBay customer service. Today they had news for me...there is now a work around to prevent listings from having BO added! It is somewhat convoluted and not as simple as "opting out". I cannot try it out right now because it requires an active listing that still has Best Offer added by eBay. I immediately revise my listings when I notice they have been fiddled with.


eBay customer service says this procedure will STOP Best Offer from being added to existing listings:


  • You can only do this once an offer has been submitted on a listing that has had Best Offer added by eBay.
  • Clicking  on the Respond or Reply button is supposed to bring up a new "Manage Best Offer Settings" button.
  • There is a setting check box or some other controls we can modify to prevent auto Best Offer
  • She mentioned something about a one-week time period that I am not certain about- maybe that the changes may continue but will stop in 7 days, which seems to be how long my listings were up before BO was added.

I did ask if it was allowable to have another eBay user acquaintance make the Best Offer instead of waiting for an interested buyer and was told "Yes, you can do that". 


It would be great if sellers could try this and confirm it works (or at least is accessible).



Message 13 of 19
latest reply

Re: eBay thinks my stuff is overpriced.

@bargainsandbaubles wrote:
Re: eBay thinks my stuff is overpriced.

No, eBay thinks that lowering your price might prompt a sale.

That is not the same as saying it is "overpriced".

eBay's suggestions are intended to benefit eBay, not you. 

Message 14 of 19
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Re: eBay thinks my stuff is overpriced.

@tunicaslot wrote:

I get those messages all the time - you can ignore them or try it out. I've dropped a price and have had the item sell - others just sit. It's just another way to try and increase sales for sellers - they aren't saying your items are over priced - just if you have some leeway figured in - a buyer may be interested if you dropped the price 5%.

Same.  It's not a foolproof method, just a suggestion-- like you, sometimes I've gotten sales that way, other times nothing.

Message 15 of 19
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