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eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

So I listed an extra box of N95 masks I had sitting around, auction style, and started it at 99 cents for a three day auction. eBay then cancelled my auction with a stern warning to not relist any more N95 items.


I get that they want to stop price gouging, and I am 100% on board with that. Taking advantage of desperate people at an emotional time is not cool.


But it infuriates me that eBay is using broad and indiscriminate restrictions. Starting an auction at 99 cents is NOT price gouging as I am not dictating the sale price (it could sell for 25 dollars and I lose money). Also, this broad sledgehammer approach restricts access to items like N95s where eBay is often the only avenue to acquire such items for many people. As a consequence, a medically fragile person may not get the N95s they need to avoid getting sick, literally putting their life at risk. By shutting down every N95 auction, including ethical ones like mine, eBay could be putting people at risk.


I would have preferred if eBay instead restricted N95 sales to auction-style only, starting at a nominal price like 99 cents. This avoids unscrupulous price gouging and people who medically need masks can get them. Without the price gouging sellers, the overall market price for masks would drop and everyone wins (and lives).

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114 REPLIES 114

Re: eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

@gpb75 wrote:

some troll keeps reporting me for price gouging and eBay cancels!


Mask have been banned a month now and you continue to list them, maybe it's time Ebay removes you.

Your listings have been reported again.




Have a great day.
Message 106 of 115
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Re: eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

I'm sure the prices will be be significantly more when they restock those shelves, than they were prior to this pandemic. I also venture to say they will push through a law to regulate masks like they do the little plastic device they use for asthma inhalers (after the medication patent expired), so it will be illegal to purchase or sell any other masks here in the USA. For our own good of course.

Message 107 of 115
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Re: eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

Exactly. And  Im really upset becuase a lot of other  people sell them and they don't kick them off.  I listed mine at .01 yesterday and I have access to N95 in Egypt.  I cant ship alot but I can ship maybe 20 pieces a day (personal use). I think so many people need them. This is not fair to people who need things also. I can't sell my 20 pieces to a hospital becasue shipping would be too high, but I could help other people acquire them that desperately need them to be safe! This is not right.  And they don't flag lots of items.  But they took mine down immediately also . 


Message 108 of 115
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Re: eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

omg exactly!! and that is gouging as yoou have to pay for it!!
Message 109 of 115
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Re: eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

Exactly. It makes no sense becasue the public is the one who suffers. Its like they dont WANT us to have masks!!
Message 110 of 115
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Re: eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

Ebay ended my listing for masks also. Their response was that altho they could see I was not gouging, I also was not on their preferred list because I didn't have any other listings in that category. So I am stuck with a load of masks that I ordered and received direct from China. Ebay recommended I donate them to a hospital. I didn't buy them to give them away. I AM NOT WAL-MART and I can't afford to give my items away. 17 years on ebay, top rated seller and they treat me like I am doing something wrong by trying to sell legally purchased inventory here. Great company they have become NNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTTTTT
Message 111 of 115
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Re: eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

eBay has forgotten the 'supply and demand' phenomena. When demand is high but no supply, price definitely shoots up. Before this Covid-19, a box of 50 pcs surgical masks cost only $6. And now, price is at a range of $35 to $48 depending on the make. Those which are made in Japan cost more than $100 per box and they are out of stock! 


Don't even talk about N95 masks. Even the price is insanely expensive, they are nowhere to be found. eBay simply have cut off avenue for people who are REALLY in need of masks. Period.

Message 112 of 115
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Re: eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

@kensgiftshop wrote:

@gpb75 wrote:

some troll keeps reporting me for price gouging and eBay cancels!


Mask have been banned a month now and you continue to list them, maybe it's time Ebay removes you.

Your listings have been reported again.




That's what I thought until I saw just the opposite. For a week or so it actually looked like ebay was reducing masks sales. Now, not. Too lucrative for ebay to give up the fee train!

1,243,444 results for mask

Posting ID
Message 113 of 115
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Re: eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

::general reply::


What people are forgetting is that this is Ebay's site and they set the rules. We don't have to like them, but we do have to abide by them. If Ebay wants to ban all pink button down shirts and all Rachael Ray cookbooks, they can, and there isn't a darn thing anyone can do about it.


That said, you would think that there would be a way to write up  a program that would automatically delete these type listings...but for a site that can't get handling times right or even have grammatically correct pages I would imagine that's just wishful thinking.



The easier you are to offend the easier you are to control.

We seem to be getting closer and closer to a situation where nobody is responsible for what they did but we are all responsible for what somebody else did. - Thomas Sowell
Message 114 of 115
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Re: eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

contagion HAS come to life!!

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