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eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

So I listed an extra box of N95 masks I had sitting around, auction style, and started it at 99 cents for a three day auction. eBay then cancelled my auction with a stern warning to not relist any more N95 items.


I get that they want to stop price gouging, and I am 100% on board with that. Taking advantage of desperate people at an emotional time is not cool.


But it infuriates me that eBay is using broad and indiscriminate restrictions. Starting an auction at 99 cents is NOT price gouging as I am not dictating the sale price (it could sell for 25 dollars and I lose money). Also, this broad sledgehammer approach restricts access to items like N95s where eBay is often the only avenue to acquire such items for many people. As a consequence, a medically fragile person may not get the N95s they need to avoid getting sick, literally putting their life at risk. By shutting down every N95 auction, including ethical ones like mine, eBay could be putting people at risk.


I would have preferred if eBay instead restricted N95 sales to auction-style only, starting at a nominal price like 99 cents. This avoids unscrupulous price gouging and people who medically need masks can get them. Without the price gouging sellers, the overall market price for masks would drop and everyone wins (and lives).

Message 1 of 115
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114 REPLIES 114

eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

Now THAT"S the million dollar question.
Why is there no sliding scale or threshold (at-least on Ebay) so honest sellers will know when they're in violation. The rules are too ambiguous; and sellers just need to know what specific items, and what can the maximum price be for said items? As it stands even simple lotions and gels are becoming under scrutiny.
I submit that gougers couldn't get around this sound approach to fair-market while preserving the ethical business practices.
Message 76 of 115
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eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

Stop lying. You didnt have a box lying around. You went and hoard it off the shelves at your local store and knew that people will bid the mask prices up. People like you need to be prosecuted. level preppers to silva 



Wait a second . How do you know silva was lying and needs to be prosecuted ? There ARE people who do have masks on hand . Some people use them for allergy reasons , or they've taken care of a very sick person in their home as I have done myself.  IMO  it's very wrong to pass that kind of  judgement on someone  when you have no way of knowing their personal circumstances . Tulips 

Message 77 of 115
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eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

So, what you're also saying (without saying) is that (1) person can also buy ALL of those $100 generators. Thus also profiting from the increase in demand in response to a natural disaster. Just in a different way; yet still depriving others from obtaining a generator.

This is what's going on all over the country right now.. but it's mostly greedy, panicky neighbors stuffing their shopping carts ALL the remaining toilet paper, masks, rubbing alcohol, on the shelf, etc.

So, similarly to what many stores are now doing..Ebay should maybe set some less ambiguous regulations in regards to this price gouging surge. Maybe place a specific limit or restriction on (prices) for particular items.
Message 78 of 115
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eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

Before eBay closed (or semi-closed) the selling of life-saving items, there was little gouging. I know this because I purchased a few items that are now banned. I paid maybe $20.00 more than they were worth, but I did not mind. Now those items are selling for 10x what I paid. Nor do I believe eBay should set pricing guides. This is the making of total marketing / Federal socialism and a slippery slope when an entity (3rd party) decides what items are wroth. The auction and the sudden influx of tens-of-thousands of items on eBay would lower prices to acceptable levels. The other thing that bugs me is that some sellers are allowed to sell face masks from Asia -- some using obvious drop shipping addresses in the US.  I'm not sure why this is, but I'd be really concerned about their safety.

Message 79 of 115
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eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate


It is recommended that you contact your local facilities to advise them you have an extra box and would like to offer it for sale at $X - see if they would be interested.  The stated price during the Presidential updates was between .75 and .95 cents per mask as a 'usual' pre-virus price.  So using that guideline, you can determine what a fair price would be. Forget auctions - just sell them. If you have no takers on your offer, you can donate them, getting a receipt to use as a tax deduction at the end of the year.


Facilities like the police station, fire-house, ambulance transport, cancer ward, nursing home, now-care clinic, orphanage, church, doctor's office - and of course the  hospital - are all possible suggestions.


I wish you well - be safe.

I am a founding member of the eBay Community Expert Group: a USA volunteer mentor with over a decade of experience. I am not an eBay employee.

Live simply. Care deeply. Love generously. Speak kindly. Laugh loudly. Act responsibly. Rejoice daily. Help cheerfully. Plan carefully. Criticize sparingly. Invest wisely. Forgive willingly. Shop seriously. Play fairly. Learn graciously.
Message 80 of 115
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eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

@candd205 wrote:

Whoever feels stuck with boxes of the masks can always return them to the Walmart or CVS when they bought out their entire supply of masks. They get their money back, and then masks are available for the normal price to the people that need them.

No, in  most cases they can't. At least locally in my area. Stores are posting signs that returns of masks, gloves, sanitizer, and toilet paper are not being accepted. 

I am a founding member of the eBay Community Expert Group: a USA volunteer mentor with over a decade of experience. I am not an eBay employee.

Live simply. Care deeply. Love generously. Speak kindly. Laugh loudly. Act responsibly. Rejoice daily. Help cheerfully. Plan carefully. Criticize sparingly. Invest wisely. Forgive willingly. Shop seriously. Play fairly. Learn graciously.
Message 81 of 115
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eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

@antique-keys wrote:

If eBay truly wanted to stop gouging, they would simply close those categories or conduct active removal as they are listed.



Just closing those categories won't be enough.

These gougers are listing items in every category they can to get around the bots.



Happy Fathers Day.
Message 82 of 115
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eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

Presumptuous much? You have no idea what's in another person's heart.
Message 83 of 115
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eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

Weak argument.  Just like seeing people selling 10 masks for $ 10.99 ( great price, nearly the normal retail price ) but then charging $ 58.95 for shipping  a light package weighing maybe 12 ounces .  That is nothing more than beating the policy by technicality.  Auctioning is the same thing.  The desperate will keep upping the ante to the point where the price is outrageous.  And, that’s not fake news.  Just surf E Bay and you’ll find outrageous prices using the auction method. So, at the end of the day the auction price yields an outrageous profit margin ( sell price versus cost ).  The simple law of supply and demand would result in prices many, many, many times higher than your 99 cents theory.  Please, stop insulting intelligent people with simple minded explanations.

Message 84 of 115
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eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

@moon0508 wrote:

This same thing happened to me. My wife picked up hand sanitizer the same day I did so I have some extra bottles. Listed them at .99 cent start for 3 day auction and was hit with a price gouging as well. 

If you and your wife both bought so much that you can't use it and have enough to resell, than you're the guilty ones making it unavailable for others. 


Shame on you @moon0508 

Volunteer Community Mentor

Message 85 of 115
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eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

What's the difference if it's an auction and the high bidder pays $100 for a box of N95 masks, or a Buy It Now and someone pays $100 for it? Both types of sales are the result of a voluntary purchase.


If a local pharmacy was selling one box of N95 masks for $100, it would most likely be considered price gouging, regardless of whether or not a desperate person would voluntarily pay that amount.


If people find they can't price gouge during national emergencies - whether on eBay or Amazon, etc. - then just maybe there'd be less hoarding at the start and then there would potentially be supplies, like masks and toilet paper, left for others who need them. And this isn't in reference to the op, because I know as turquoisetulips (if I remember correctly) pointed out, some people have extra masks because of allergies or caring for someone who was sick, etc.


My point isn't whether or not people are being deprived of something they need. Buyers on either format would be voluntarily paying whatever the amount is or turns out to be in either case. Both formats should be allowed, or both disallowed. But saying auctions should be allowed but not Buy It Now doesn't make any sense.






Message 86 of 115
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eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

Wife and I bought 4 each at two separate stores for our home. Not cases. Was attempting to sell off what I didn't think we'd need. 2 bottles. Thanks though. 👍
Message 87 of 115
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eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

Again, if you flood the market, the price drops. It's 3rd. grade economics. Look at the price of gasoline right now. Same thing. There have been numerous studies regarding the auction vs. fixed price theories. The auctions will generally drive prices to the actual, current market value as long as the item is viewed by enough people. Everyone seems to be missing the point. There are tens-of-thousands of life saving items that people could be using right now but they cannot be listed. So you have to ask the question: Do you play the selfish, policing game of not allowing the items to be listed because some jerk is making a profit or do you let the market take care of pricing, as it would, and people have these products. I'll pay $30.00 for single mask if it would save my life. Everyone forgets that the Government has banned corporate sales of things like sanitizer to private citizens, so  places like eBay are a person's only option. As for shipping, eBay removed the option to report "excess shipping" a long time ago which was a mistake. I've been reporting gouging via "buy it now" sales for the last week. I've reported some 100 people. I leave the auctions alone unless they are gouging on shipping. I've been able to report all gouged items in a single category in just 15 minutes. I have a hard time believing eBay cannot do the same with 1-2 employees. Or just hire me. I'll take them down. (:

Message 88 of 115
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eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

"I'll pay $30.00 for single mask if it would save my life. Everyone forgets that the Government has banned corporate sales of things like sanitizer to private citizens, so  places like eBay are a person's only option. As for shipping, eBay removed the option to report "excess shipping" a long time ago which was a mistake. I've been reporting gouging via "buy it now" sales for the last week. I've reported some 100 people. I leave the auctions alone unless they are gouging on shipping. I've been able to report all gouged items in a single category in just 15 minutes."


So who made you God? Maybe someone is willing to pay the Buy It Now price because they're worried about their life or the life of a loved one and they can't wait for seven days (or whatever) for the auction to end and maybe or maybe not be the high bidder and go through the whole process again. Maybe the Buy It Now price is lower than the the end result of the auction. These days there aren't enough masks available to drive the price down to your perceived "market" value.


I don't understand your obsession against Buy It Now. You'd pay $30 for a mask to save your life, but if someone else wants to pay more than that to save their life, you'd deprive them of the opportunity because it's a Buy It Now listing and you're offended or obsessed with reporting Buy It Now listings?


Anyone who lists on eBay knows that if the market is flooded, prices go down. And that's true whether or not it's an auction or a Buy It Now listing.




Message 89 of 115
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eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

I completely concur. I have listed and relisted  at .99 cents- and some troll keeps reporting me for price gouging and eBay cancels! This is stupid.  I do not set the price , the bidders do. The trolls via eBay are able to prevent people who need or want these mask. I will ship to a bidder who wins at 5 bucks!! So I should not be prevented from completing auction because buyers bid it up. STUPID RULE! 

Message 90 of 115
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