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eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

So I listed an extra box of N95 masks I had sitting around, auction style, and started it at 99 cents for a three day auction. eBay then cancelled my auction with a stern warning to not relist any more N95 items.


I get that they want to stop price gouging, and I am 100% on board with that. Taking advantage of desperate people at an emotional time is not cool.


But it infuriates me that eBay is using broad and indiscriminate restrictions. Starting an auction at 99 cents is NOT price gouging as I am not dictating the sale price (it could sell for 25 dollars and I lose money). Also, this broad sledgehammer approach restricts access to items like N95s where eBay is often the only avenue to acquire such items for many people. As a consequence, a medically fragile person may not get the N95s they need to avoid getting sick, literally putting their life at risk. By shutting down every N95 auction, including ethical ones like mine, eBay could be putting people at risk.


I would have preferred if eBay instead restricted N95 sales to auction-style only, starting at a nominal price like 99 cents. This avoids unscrupulous price gouging and people who medically need masks can get them. Without the price gouging sellers, the overall market price for masks would drop and everyone wins (and lives).

Message 1 of 115
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114 REPLIES 114

Re: eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

And now nobody gets supplies..

Think of all the hospital workers hoping to purchase masks, the elderly, everyone in hotspot cities desperate for protection..

Ebay is depriving people from getting supplies... far more criminal than the handful of "hoarders" setting stupid prices when vast supplies are ready to be sold by non-hoarders from non-hotspot cities and towns.
Message 61 of 115
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Re: eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

eBay needs to simply stop "buy it now" gouging, which we can all agree upon. But "auctions" are not gouging, as individual buyers set the value of items. Once the markets are flooded, the prices drop. This would put ten-of-thousands of critical items on the market in just a few hours. I'm so tired of people feeling like they deserve to be given stuff for free -- or at the cost of others.

Message 62 of 115
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Re: eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

Stop lying. You didnt have a box lying around. You went and hoard it off the shelves at your local store and knew that people will bid the mask prices up. People like you need to be prosecuted.

Message 63 of 115
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Re: eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

How can any auction style listing even be considered "price gouging"? The seller isn't setting the price, the buyers are. That's the most backwards thing I ever heard.

Message 64 of 115
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Re: eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

Pu on your thinking cap and I believe you will understand why.
Message 65 of 115
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Re: eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

You know the price will be bid up astronomically.


If it's just an extra box lying around that you hadn't bothered to list before the pandemic, and it will just be lying around after the pandemic since you can't list it now, why not donate it to your local hospital where it might be desperately wanted? Or to a local nursing home, first responder, etc. - the possibilities are endless.


Or, I'm sure once the pandemic has subsided, you will be allowed to list it.



Message 66 of 115
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Re: eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

By CHOICE. Voluntarily. You're allowing people to bid VOLUNTARILY.

The alternative is NO ONE gets ANYTHING and everyone goes without while people have supply they can't sell.

Message 67 of 115
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Re: eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

Despite all the restrictions, people are smart and they have found a way around eBay's rules. I'm not sure if eBay is aware, or just turning a blind eye. People are listing items for 2x to 10x the normal price as "buy it now." They know it will take eBay at least an hour or more to find and remove the items, so they list it, then hope someone buys it. If not, they remove it in an hour or less and re-list it before eBay finds it. Just do a "sold items" search under things like "hand sanitizer" or "surgical masks" and see how much is actually selling. If eBay truly wanted to stop gouging, they would simply close those categories or conduct active removal as they are listed.

Message 68 of 115
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Re: eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

I  couldn't agree more with you about this subject  . E bay should have restricted the sale of masks to auction style only instead of placing a total ban  . People should have a CHOICE  especially during a life threatening pandemic  how  they spend their money to stay safe and alive   . Every single virus expert  that I've listened to  is now highly advising people to use masks . They  said the virus can travel  27 feet as opposed to the 6 feet as they first believed . Wearing masks properly   that cover the nose and mouth   in public are essential at this point for protection.  It truly boggles my mind  that the people  who  must heavily rely  on  safety equipment being delivered to their door   the most during this crisis can no longer turn to e bay  for any help.  Tulips 

Message 69 of 115
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Re: eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

Presumptuous much?

Message 70 of 115
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Re: eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

I do not believe that any hospital permits their employees to bring medical equipment like masks, gloves, etc. purchased on eBay to the hospital. Their liability insurance company would not permit it. luckythewinner 


Well,,  I don't know about every hospital.   However because of the shortages  there are nurses making their own protective hospital gowns out of  new trash bags and wearing them while caring for patients   . I doubt those type are  the standard  issue.  In a life and death  crisis  some  rules must fall by the wayside  .  Tulips 

Message 71 of 115
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Re: eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

Presumptuous much?
Message 72 of 115
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Re: eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

You are absolutely correct. Although I do understand Ebay's plight in this; The medical supply companies are already gouging but there are no attorney generals from any state going after them. Why? Because governors (especially in NY and WA state) would FIRE them (if appointed); or the constituents (if elected) would run them out of town on a rail. Because these states NEED THEM THE MOST right now.
Message 73 of 115
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Re: eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

Presumptuous much? Again with the sophomoric insults. SHEESH
Message 74 of 115
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Re: eBay's N95 Mask Gouging Solution Inappropriate

  I realize this is an eBay issue here, but what about the grocery stores selling toilet paper for $100 a roll.  vietcoinscollection 


A grocery store wouldn't be allowed to do that ,, its illegal . In our area  there is no toilet paper to be found in any store . However last night we were able to order  a 10 roll package  from the big A.  And  I don't mean New York .  Tulips 

Message 75 of 115
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