12-06-2021 07:37 AM
I tried to list a cookie jar but e-Bay took it down 3 times! After finally finding chat, I was told this last time that she has big eyes and lips! I told them I DID NOT make the jar. The smart ass guy told me "but you listed it" What the heck?? I have seen some awful things listed on e-bay. e-Bay has gotten, in my views too high in fee's and now this. Time to move on.
12-06-2021 07:42 AM
You broke policy by listing an offensive item (it's considered offensive by ebay, we don't need to discuss that further), and you think the eBay rep who correctly pointed out that you did in fact list it, is a smart aleck?
12-06-2021 07:43 AM
Wow, and you relisted it three times? Be glad you are still here and not suspended. Ebay, like other sites, has cracked down on items they deem racially offensive, and thats a good thing.
12-06-2021 07:45 AM - edited 12-06-2021 07:46 AM
While much debated, the fact is that, like it or not, right or wrong, for better or for worse, such items now fall under the "Offensive Materials" definition and may not be sold on eBay:
And of course you did not make the cookie jar, but that is irrelevant. You can't sell a tactical nuclear weapon or a half a kilo of crystal meth on eBay, either, whether or not you made it.
12-06-2021 07:51 AM
I gave you a Helpful up vote........because your reply to the OP and your Robin Williams quote kind of seemed.....ironic.
12-06-2021 08:06 AM
I just checked......
The Fallout 4 "mini nuke" can be had on eBay for a pretty nice price.
12-06-2021 08:14 AM
@metaltech1 wrote:I just checked......
The Fallout 4 "mini nuke" can be had on eBay for a pretty nice price.
Ooooooh! I'll go check that out. I'm stilll doing my Christmas shopping.
12-06-2021 08:21 AM
Well, rats! I didn't know yhou were talking about some silly game thing! No one on my Christmas list wants a mere toy.
12-06-2021 09:12 AM
Your getting very close to being banned from selling. Don't list any more items like that. eBay has gotten very "funny" about such items and will suspend you for it.
12-06-2021 09:20 AM
Many sites, not just e-Bay, decided some time ago to not allow listings/items for sale that could be considered "offensive" to others. It is not just retail - many manufacturers have changed their packaging and sports teams, their mascots.
You may or may not "agree" with the changes, but the rules surrounding those types of items apply to us all.
And others stated - typically, ignoring e-bay taking an item down and telling you to NOT re-list it, is an end-game selling sentence. You are very lucky to still be a Seller and not NARU. Would not re-list that item and would steer clear of ANY item that could be deemed to fall into the prohibited items list for e-Bay. You likely will not get a 4th chance.
12-06-2021 09:26 AM
Wow……but things like used panties are still on here…..
12-06-2021 09:28 AM
I have never looked for used panties so I did not know that. Not sure I really needed to know that. ugh..
12-06-2021 09:33 AM
I don't like the pumped up bimbo look either. TBH I'd rather that not come up in my search results.
12-06-2021 10:07 AM
Not everything is suitable to list on eBay. Sounds like your item violated the Offensive Materials policy. Ebay has been cracking down on goods that may represent an insensitive characterization of a race. Below is the policy for your perusal.
12-06-2021 10:42 AM
@katzrul15 wrote:
Have a HOLLY JOLLY Christmas
There have been reports that eBay finds "Holly Jolly" offensive because of a close association with a particular type of doll. Understand - I'm not complaining just pointing how stupid it can get at times. I tried to list a Christmas mug that said "Gave a Jolly Christmas" and they took it down.