Dear Sellers, We are currently experiencing a technical data processing
delay that has temporarily impacted the timely processing of some Good
'Til Cancelled (GTC) renewals, affecting the visibility of certain
seller listings and listing count on Act...
In the new updated seller center the qualifications for top seller LATE
SHIPMENTS seems to have changed.. it now says 3% or less AND 5 or less
transactions.. before it was just 3% or less. As a person with about 540
transactions for 12 months and thi...
I know I can do a private listing...but can I do up to 3 for one
transaction? For some reason all of my listings only show the Global
Shipping Program and not FC International? Why is that? I have it set up
to show both so a buyer can choose I though...
Because EBAY has no customer service, I thought I'd write it here.First,
as a relatively new seller I had listed a high priced item that was
immeditely targeted by a scammer. This person sent me a fake email that
stated they had sent a paypal transac...
I had it with the theives on ebay, never known it to be so bad, I am a
registered business, oe of the biggest on amazon, and yet ebay Im being
robbed on a daily basis , and yet although we get proof of postage,
proof of delivery, ebay still refunds t...
My wife listed her first item on eBay under wall decor or something like
that. My, my, sellers in that category almost treated like the steerage
passengers on the Titanic. There are few font sizes and no text color
choices in addition to a max of 3 d...
I am concerned whether to trust a member that has a zero rating just
joined today and has made a best offer that is over my buy now price
What would you do this item is an expensive item
I am extremely irritated with ebay. They have now removed two of my
listings featuring coach purses. The first time they told me it was
because they thought I was selling a counterfeit. Have to say I did not
argue this as that first listing was a gif...
I have seen eBay listings where the buyer has to ship the item to the
seller, the seller performs modifications, and then ships it back to the
buyer. In my case, a buyer asked me to delay the shipment of an item by
a week due to out of town. The max ...
If your subscription starts on the 1st of the mont, but billing is on
the 15th would I close a store on the 15th or the 1st of the month. Do
non store sellers get any free listings or just when there is some
special? Thanks
Good evening all, Has anyone else noticed that no views are showing in
Seller Hub? I have straight zeros but didn't have that this morning. I
figured its just a glitch but wanted to make sure I wasn't alone and
that it wasn't something wrong on my en...
Furthermore, why does the eBay system go down for hours once a week?
This site should always have up to date information accessible at all
times. Invoices should come out on the first, not a week later. The site
should never go down, especially not e...
Please help me! I do not know what to do in this situation. I bought
this item couple years ago and never open. Item sold now, but I can not
shipped because I try to turn it on and it is not working
The only buyer block I have set up is for Locations that I do not ship
to - I definitely do not have the Too Many UPIs box checked. Yet when I
check the Buyer Req'ts Activity Log, I see that buyers have been blocked
with Too Many UPIs as the reason g...